DAY 18: JULY 18 TITLE: MY HOPE IS NO LONDER DEFERRED; MY EXPECTATION IS NO LONGER DELAYED SCRIPTURE ARROWS: PROV 13:12; PS 9:18; PROV 23:18;24:14;DAN 10:12-14;MATT 17:21 HALLELUYAHHH!!! 3 more days to the Convention 2013! Friends, hope deferred makes the heart sick. Prayer and Fasting can activate speedy manifestation of our testimonies. ‘What will be will be, you do not need to pray or fast’ is a slogan of the devil and faithless and prayerless Christians. Don’t listen to them. Thank God Daniel did not think that way, the Prince of Persia would have stopped his answers. He prayed and fasted for 21 days. Praise the Lord, Esther knew the importance of fasting, she and the rest of the Jews would be slaughtered like animals. Halleluyah, Mary knew about this the awesome power in fasting, his brother Lazarus would have been buried forever. Just like Daniel and the other people, after this 21 days prayer and fasting, whatever princes of darkness delaying and arguing about you testimonies shall be buried alive in Jesus’ Name. You know no verdict or justice can be delivered when a court case is still going on. Whatever court action devil has instituted against you, let it scatter in Jesus’ Name. This year 2013 is your year of laughter, no more delay, I say no more delay! (1) God in One, the Trinity, thanks for Your Unity and Commitment in decorating my life. (2) Enough is enough, prince of Persia against my testimony (mention the specific testimony you expect before the ned of the year) die, die, die, die, die (keep saying ‘die’ until you have relieve in your spirit) in Jesus’ Name. (3) Any power in the heavenlies battling my joy, contesting for my breakthroughs, you are wicked, dieee in Jesus’ Name. (4) Any legal ground that the devil has against me to stop or delay my dancing, by the blood of Jesus, by the His mercies that endure forever, I recover you back in Jesus’ Name. (5) Any wicked household power in my father’s house, in my mother’s house, in my in-law’s house that has vowed that I will not celebrate in this year, o ye ground open up, swallow them aliveee in the Mighty Name of Jesus. (6) Any power that has limited, stopped or killed my parent (s), your time is up, die by thunder in Jesus’ Name. (7) (Begin to say this with a smile to yourself) After this 21-days prayer and fasting, people shall rejoice with me. People will celebrate me. Friends will announce me. Enemies will acknowledge the God that I serve in Jesus’ Name.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 05:14:29 +0000

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