DAY 2: HOW BIG IS YOUR DREAM? It takes 21 days to birth a rat and - TopicsExpress


DAY 2: HOW BIG IS YOUR DREAM? It takes 21 days to birth a rat and 22 days to hatch a chick. The dog gives birth in 61 days and the cat in 64 days. The donkey and the zebra both require 365 days for their pregnancy while it will take 624 days (21 months) to birth an elephant. When you think about it for a moment, you realize it makes sense. The size of what you give birth to seems to determine how long your gestation period lasts. What is my interest today with animal pregnancies? In a way we are all pregnant and because as humans we know that our pregnancy lasts for 9 months we assume that the same is applicable to dreams. We assume that because our neighbour who started out at the same time with us had become very successful in his business, we ought to become that successful too. We assume that because our course mate had “arrived”, we ought to arrive too. After all we all started out at the same time. We look back at the many challenges we have faced, the many setbacks we have endured and we conclude that God is either partial, or insensitive. But different dreams mean different gestation periods. If two persons set out to build a house for both of them the goal is the same. Yet one desires to build a skyscraper of 30 stories and the other desires to build a bungalow. Before the man building the skyscraper has finished his piling and foundation work, the other would have roofed his bungalow. This scenario is true if both parties have all the resources required and there are no delays. At the end of the day, a house is not just a house; and a dream is not just a dream. Dream get levels. If your dream has taken longer than your friends’, is it possible that you are building something a lot bigger and grander? Why do you consistently compare the gestation period of the rat to that of the donkey? Do you think God made a mistake? Never! Do you think it’s an error that the maize takes barely 3 – 5 months to grow and then is no more? While the pineapple takes all of 20 months and then again is no more? Is it not unfair to the pineapple? If it had waited that long why didn’t God just allow it to keep producing like a mango or orange tree? These things are there for us to learn our lessons about fruitfulness and uniqueness. When it comes to fruitfulness, you must know about the design of the plantain and banana families. These plants are my symbols of resilience. They are the only species that refuse to die until they have borne fruit. If you cut a plantain tree (it’s actually a herb) it will sprout again from the cut stem just as if nothing happened to it until it bears it’s bunch of fruits. The stem only dies once it has fruited. That’s what God expects from us. Like the banana tree, you may not be strong enough to withstand even mild rainstorms yet you are required not to die until you bear fruit. Your stem may not produce wood that can compete with the Iroko in decorating the king’s palace, but our fruit will do in the same palace and so we must bear that fruit no matter what life throws at us. Our trials and delays should not stop us. Our responsibility is to protect what we carry; our dreams and aspirations – our pregnancy - to its full term. When you carry an elephant sized dream, you don’t expect to birth it in the time a rat would birth. Let it comfort you. That is why you have been on that project for the past 3 years. God has not forgotten you; your time is not ripe yet. That is why last year seemed not to be the year – you have not gone full term. Please hang in there and don’t abort your dreams. If you have conceived it, you can deliver it. That is what Noah’s experience was all about – fruitfulness on earth. It was after the deluge that God gave the law of seasons that weigh in so strong on your dreams and aspirations. Jesus came and even elevated it to a whole new standard. Saying we are only identified by the fruits we bear. 22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Gen 8:22 If your seed is in the ground, your harvest is on the way. Hang on! (c) ALMOST THERE DEEPWORDS DEVOTIONAL
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 06:15:33 +0000

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