DAY 23 : FRIDAY 24TH JANUARY 2014 TEXT: JOHN 16:12-13 FOCUS: - TopicsExpress


DAY 23 : FRIDAY 24TH JANUARY 2014 TEXT: JOHN 16:12-13 FOCUS: ENJOYING THE LEADERSHIP AND GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT DAILY INSIGHT FOR EFFECTIVE PRAYING Many people love the guidance of the Holy Spirit but are not ready for His leadership, we should be ready for both“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, [that] shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come”. His leadership is to teach, correct and rebuke us where necessary. These will only make us to be the person He desires us to be. Anybody who is enjoying the leadership of the Holy Spirit and His guidance will hear from God before it happens, he will see what others do not see, he will not fall into the error of Satan, doing God’s work will be easy for him because he will work with the master plan of God. Holy Spirit, He is God in Spirit, this enables Him to be everywhere helping the believers to achieve the original purpose and plan of God. We should learn how to invite Him into our lives, worship Him and learn to listen to His gentle voice. LET US PRAY 1. God the Holy Spirit, take Your abode in me. 2. Father, baptize me afresh with Your Spirit. 3. Holy Spirit of God, direct the rest of my life for Your glory. 4. In Jesus name, I receive fresh fire of God. 5. Holy Spirit, always lead my life as You wish. 6. Endow Your gifts upon my life in Jesus name. 7. Holy Spirit, please; let me hear when You speak. 8. Holy Spirit, uphold me not to sin against You. 9. Holy Spirit, always do Your work through me. 10. Those who need baptism of the Holy Spirit should come before the altar for ministration.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 04:29:21 +0000

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