DAY 257 – YOU ARE - TopicsExpress


DAY 257 – YOU ARE DISTINCT --------------------------------- Friends, let us be reminded that even though repentance can be universal, the visitation from the LORD that all men should repent of sin, each person would repent as if he were the only sinner in the whole world. It is important to note this, because there are some people who think that if a revival would come, they would easily get converted. In case you are also thinking like that, you will get into a swim and be carried onwards by it – as people are sometimes carried along in a great crowd. If you are swept along by the stream, during revival, and you had not exercised personal repentance of sin, and personal faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, it would be of no value to you. It is better for you to recollect and know for sure that you cannot enter the strait and narrow gate in a crowd, but you must come in separately and distinctly yourself, not as a group. Repentance is an act of your own spirit under the drawings of the Holy Spirit. Whatever is done by others, even by many genuine believers, will be of no help to you – if it is to bring blessing to you, it must be the work of the Spirit of God upon you individually. People manufacture man-made things in large numbers. However, God’s creations are made one by one. He puts his seal of variety upon all that he creates. Painters can make duplicates of their great works, and you may see copies of paintings that are, stroke by stroke the same – but God does not repeat himself. There is a distinctness in the face of each man and each woman. You may mistake one man for another, but that is due to your casual observation, or from partial knowledge. But a man’s own wife does not make a mistake about who her husband is. A man’s child knows which is his father, and does not mistake another man for him. So, whatever resemblance there may be, there is a difference which is easily noticeable. And if it so in the natural face of a man, it is more so in the spiritual features. One man differs from another. Even in repentance – even though many people may repentant at the same time for various sins, each person differs from the rest. You are unique, and your repentance is just as unique. The LORD does not forgive a group of people, but forgives you, individually.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:26:36 +0000

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