DAY 26 - PARIS. We all woke early as we had booked a tour of - TopicsExpress


DAY 26 - PARIS. We all woke early as we had booked a tour of the Catacombs in Paris The Catacombs of Paris or Catacombes de Paris are underground ossuaries in Paris, France. Located south of the ossuaries hold the remains of about six million people and fill a renovated section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of historical stone mines, giving it its reputation as The Worlds Largest Grave. Opened in the late 18th century, the underground cemetery became a tourist attraction on a small scale from the early 19th century, and has been open to the public on a regular basis from 1874. It had been organised by our travel agent before we left and we had paid for a guide and to skip the line. Believe me if you ever come to Paris pay the extra to skip the line. They are huge. The day before we left we had an email from travel agent that said there was no more skipping the line, just our tickets pre paid for entry. She would try and get a refund. Bloody hell we were already pissed because of the night before dinner debacle. Left home at 8.30am so we could work out how to catch subway. 6 people and the train ticket information lady. Not sure if there was a brain cell between us. Garry was our designated leader that day as he had a map. We finally worked it out and it was really easy if you concentrate. We left that up to Garry. We arrived by 9.00 and the line was already snaking way down around the corner. It didnt open until 10.00. Julie, Shaz and Gaz went off to find us a coffee and croissant for breakfast. Of course they went the wrong way and searched for a place for ages when there was one basically right behind us. Andrew who was being very well behaved and at this point staying in line with Mark and I said that he was reading the paperwork and it had said to meet a lady with a yellow umbrella and DO NOT JOIN THE LINE. I said well we have to stay here because we now only have tickets to get in as there is no more skipping the line. Andrew said well there is a lady with a yellow umbrella searching the crowd. We waved to her, and yes low and behold she was our guide and our ticket to skip the line.Bloody hell what was going on! We got in straight away. Walked down 160 stairs that were spiral. Into the tunnels. The workmanship on the tunnels, roof and columns were amazing. You have to walk a fair distance before you reach the actual area where the bones are kept. We only saw a really small area and we seen thousands and thousands. You come to the entry of the actual area where they keep the bones and over the doors is a carved stone sign which reads Arrête! Cest ici lempire de la Mort (Stop! Here lies the Empire of Death). It was very eerie. You enter the tunnel and there are skulls and leg bones all neatly arranged in row after row. Some areas they have even got creative, making patterns with the skulls into hearts and crosses and other shapes. Fascinating but macabre. She showed us one skull from the French Revolution that had a bullet hole in it. You were not allowed to touch or be noisy. You had to respect the dead. Each area was marked when they were put there. One section for the French Revolution the bodies were fresh and the bone sorters had to take the flesh from the bones and dismantle the body so they could put them in there. I am sure growing up they didnt say I hope when I grow up I can work deep down underground in dark, wet and cold conditions arranging dead bodies into pretty patterns We finally finished and had to climb up a heap of spiral stairs. Huffing and puffing (I cant wait to get back to gym, I have become so unfit, never bought I would say those words). We were all fairly subdued and quite when we hit the street. So stopped at a cafe for a drink. We all loved it ( even Mark) as Mark said, it was amazing but it was really disturbing. Gaz and Shaz had arranged to meet their exchange student and parents, so off they went leaving us god knows where. We decided we could find our own way back. We came across a little local market and spent time there just wandering, it was fantastic. Then we decided back on the subway to find a spot to get on the hop on hop off bus. Well we went to Notre Dame. Took the wrong turn when we came off the subway and missed the bus stop, so just ended up wandering. Came to the bridge where everyone puts their locks on to show their undying love. Andrew got conned by some guys doing hide the ball under cups. We 3 walked passed and said con men. Andrew stopped and we didnt notice. 10 minutes later he caught up and said they had conned him out of € 20. We couldnt stop laughing. He said how did you all know it was a con? We ended up just walking and looking at the sights of Paris. It was truly magical. At about 3.00 Mark and I pulled the plug so I could go home and have a rest for the big night. We were all ready and rearing to go in the lobby at 5.00. Dress to the 9s. I was a little nervous because I had talked them all into going to the moulin rouge in the first place (the one we had paid for that was cancelled) and then again yesterday I said we will regret this if we dont go. Off we marched to meet the bus. Onto our dinner cruise ship. The food was beautiful, Julie said far nicer than what she had been served on the Eiffel Tower last time she did it. The cruise was also lovely. So far so good. Onto the Eiffel Tower. OMG beautiful. Although Mark in his wisdom said its not that impressive . I just died a little in side and then though you are a dick head of course its impressive. He did get quite excited about the engineering and steel and shit when we were going up in the elevator. Andrew and him were inspecting bits and pieces in detail. Andrew, Gaz and Shaz elected to go to the very top. Mark and I were left with nuffy Julie who is afraid of heights on the second level - so that was fun for us. NOT. At one stage she went into the shop to buy a mug and got lost. This is in an area that is square and the only exit is the lift. Mark finally went to look for her and found her standing in the middle saying I didnt know where to find you. Maybe just walk around the square and you would find us we thought. Anyway we took our nuffy friend to the bottom and she was happy. We sat on a chair watching the light show and these young kids started to sing next to us. It was just fantastic (I need a new word) all on the bus and to the Moulin Rouge. Unbeknownst to us we had booked skip the line here as well, so straight into our seats. All good so far. Well the show started and the 3 guys could not get the grins off their faces all night. Ooh La la, It was truly wonderful and even Mark said at the end that was great.The costumes, singing, dancing and of course the Can Can had us all clapping and shouting. (The guys might have been clapping at the sight of all the young nimble topless girls on the stage, but I dont think so) Everyone loved it. Finally ended and we were home in our beds by 1.30. Our last night in Paris. Bloody fantastic. Good night. Love Meagan, Mark, Julie, Andrew, Gaz and Shaz. Xxx
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:22:16 +0000

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