DAY 3 WITH BISHOP EDDY ADDY KEYS / SKILLS TO PUT IN ACTION WHEN YOU RECEIVE THE ANOINTING TO BUILD. 1. It is the art of rallying different people to work. Neh 3:1 Different groups of people from different tribes are being rallied for the work of God. You need to break out from your normal spheres of doing things and not to be tribal bias. This is because when you rally different people to work, you are able to learn and acquire more knowledge from each other. We are all new creation in Christ Jesus. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus..Gal 3:28. A church cannot grow if it dwells more on tribalism. 2. The art of working hard. An anointed person works hard; day and night. You can be anointed but when you don’t work hard for it, do research on the area you ve been anointed in, your anointing will be in vain. Most people have just the one-step-logic to everything..”Pastor pray for me”. When Samuel anointed Saul, he charged him to do as occasion serves him. Work hard for your anointing on your life, day and night. Churches don’t grow by just praying. It is time to go out and work hard for souls. 3. The art of combining building with a readiness to fight. As we build God’s church, we must be ready anytime and alert to fight orangus when they show up. 4. The art of sacrificial leadership. You must learn the art of sacrificing when you re anointed, else you cannot build. Sacrifice to come for all nights, rehearsals, prayer meetings etc… Nehemiah was able to finish all he set to build through hard work, fighting, building and sacrificing. Start doing something with your anointing today!!! You can be anointed but if you don’t work with it, it will be as if you were not anointed at all. Activate skills and different art of doing things. May it not be said of us that perished as though we were never anointed, in Jesus Name. Amen!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:09:53 +0000

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