DAY 4: OVERCOMING HOPELESSNESS “Now may the God of hope fill - TopicsExpress


DAY 4: OVERCOMING HOPELESSNESS “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”(Romans 15:13 NKJV) OUR TARGET: Today, we focus our prayers on overcoming the spirit of hopelessness that attempts to invade the lives of our students. We will address three areas of death and destruction: depression, suicide, and self- mutilation. In a 2011 survey taken by the Office of Adolescent Health, 34% of students in grades 9-12 exhibited signs of sadness or hopelessness. When asked to describe the greatest problem among his students, one high school principal said: “That’s easy. There’s no hope, here!” -- referring to the poverty, home life, and outlook of many students. Bullying has become a major issue in our schools. Some students are tormented by bullies every day, so they either stay home or dread school. They are unable to focus in their classes and, consequently, their grades are often the first thing to suffer. While bullying has always been a part of students’ lives to some degree, it has now developed technologically in the form of cyber-bullying. Now, an isolated incident is played out over and over again once it is posted on the Internet. The constant torment and shame of this public exposure has caused some young people even to commit suicide. As students face increased life crises, they also turn to self-harm. This growing problem, while mostly found in teens, is increasingly found among middle school students and even in some children as young as seven. Based on only those incidents reported, it is estimated 1 in 5 teens use some form of self-harm on a regular basis; including cutting, biting, burning, breaking bones, ripping out tissue or hair. Our students are turning on themselves with the delusion of control, to release emotions, and as the only way they can express what they are feeling inside. For some, it is their way of getting attention or manipulating those around them. One disturbing trend is the posting of cuttings and other forms of self- harm on social media sites. OUR REPENTANCE: Father, forgive us for at times being inattentive to the emotional and spiritual needs of our children and youth. Forgive us for failing to notice and rescue those who have been bullied, neglected, or who are hurting. We ask forgiveness for the instability in homes across our state and nation, where such conflict exists at times, that our young people are unable to cope, especially when they are experiencing physical and emotional changes during adolescent years. Father, give us a heart to pray for and help restore these hurting and broken children and young people. OUR INTERCESSION: Almighty and merciful God, we cry out to You to rescue our students and bring them hope! We ask that You would reveal to students healthy solutions to the problems they face and that You would bring people alongside them to give support and encouragement. Father, open the eyes of those around our hurting youth to see the symptoms of depression and to seek intervention on their behalf. Raise up Christian school counselors who have the wisdom of God to bring healing and deliverance from pain, depression and thoughts of suicide and who will lead students to hope, truth, and salvation. We stand against the spirit of death and the death culture that operates openly in our schools, seeking to destroy this generation. By the power of the blood of Jesus, we declare that every student will feel valued and not one will be lost to suicide this school year We speak against hopelessness and the lies of the enemy that tell our young people they will find comfort in harming their own bodies and that there is no other way out of their depression. Lord, we ask that You raise up Christian friends to come alongside those who are hurting to reveal Your great love and wonderful plan for their lives.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:29:43 +0000

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