DAY #5 LIFELESS GOALS WANTREPRENEURSHIP SYNDROME ( My version of what holds back the Wanna be entrepreneurs) Your Goal is your destination in life, your objectives are the stages along the way. If your goal is just to make money, let me tell you this, your venture is doomed before it even takes off, because you will have poor objectives. You may surely end up making some money, but that will be in the short term. Money ought to be a by-product of your service to the world. You need commitment and conviction. And how does that come? By setting inspiring goals. Goals that are beyond yourself, money and number of customers. Set goals that talk about creating value and real benefits to your customers, bringing them solutions. We already have so many companies that do not care about the welfare of the customers as long as they make sales. We dont need anymore of that, you are a child of God. Dont be scared to be different. God given visions drive passion to create a difference. This passion creates positivity. This positivity creates excitement and energy. And if you’ve got this, so will your customers. They will sense it and open their wallets for you because they dont just like what or how you do things, most importantly they believe in the why you are doing it. Money will follow. So here you go. These are the five key reasons why many will never end up starting a sustainable venture. If you feel you need help in overcoming any of these or simply to validate your ideas, let’s have a chat and see how I can help. Or get someone you know can assist you on one of the discussed topics. 1. Worrying about ideas 2. Worrying about capital 3. Procrastination 4. Fear of failure 5. Lifeless goals HAVE A BLESSED DAY.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:30:17 +0000

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