DAY 6 UPDATE - I posted an update late last night but apparently - TopicsExpress


DAY 6 UPDATE - I posted an update late last night but apparently because of the spotty internet service, it did not come through. Ill do my best to recreate it for you. Today was the first day that we did not have any rain. We were met by the warmth of the sun and other than some high,wispy clouds the sky was clear and the temperature hot. Our only salvation was a wonderful breeze most of the day coming from the ocean. Our Vacation Bible School was rocking again today with about 150 children. DJ Turnock has been wonderful leading God, Our Defender. The kids have learned the songs we brought with us and now sing them at the top of their voices. The scripture verses have been memorized and will remain in their hearts forever. Our work today included shoveling and hauling buckets of gravel and sand, toting bags of cement, mixing the mortar on the floor and filling 4 more pillars and 3 lentils. Victor, the engineer and builder, has been impressed at how well we work and how much we accomplish. Today the ladies got into building mode too. Some of them painted the front of the church with a primer coat of white paint - Jean, Cassidy, DJ, Sheri, and Tammy - while others put on their gloves and helped fill some of the pillars and shovel and carry buckets of sand - Tammy, Rhona, Emily, Cassidy, Nicole. We made our way back to the villas, changed into our swim suits and headed to the local beach. The ocean has a wonderful way of soothing our tired muscles and restoring our waning energy. It also gives us a place to unwind and recap the things that happened during the day. After supper, we all gathered for sharing and devotions. Cassidy and DJ shared with us and Jean brought our devotional. I thank God that He has brought us all together and that we have gotten so close as a team. From the oldest to the youngest, we have given our all and I have not heard one complaint from anyone. (Could this be the precursor to another Pentecost? It was when they were in one accord that He came back then.) Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. They have been felt and provided us the strength weve needed to complete our mission. Tomorrow will be our last day on the job and we have so much to accomplish. It will be hard to walk away from the job with so much more yet to do but we know that God will continue to provide. Until tomorrow, grace and peace...
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 10:23:30 +0000

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