DAY 61: What does it truly mean to unleash your potential? Life - TopicsExpress


DAY 61: What does it truly mean to unleash your potential? Life hands us a lump of marble and requires us to liberate the exquisite figure hidden inside. Which kind of translates to - YOU are the architect of your fate. Your finished product depends not on the quantity of the marble handed to you, but more on your ability to see what lies within that mass and your patience in crafting out the masterpiece YOU will cherish. There is a You in you that has not been seen yet. A You, unknown to your family, friends, colleagues or boss. A you, waiting to be liberated.The important thing is what your finished product will look like.There is a You hidden inside of you. The U in you is the Unknown hidden in the marble - will it be Unusually Unique, Unfazed or ……. Its your choice. #FindtheU #Wearechallenge #unusual #unique #individuals #striving for #Progress #maxchallenge14 #thatsalotofyou
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:58:45 +0000

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