DAY 69 CABO SUB 10 TRAINING- SPORTS THERAPY- REST- FEELING STRONG- Today was a great day! My calf is feeling 10 times better and more healed today than yesterday! I saw some great sports therapist and am clear that what happened was a sudden jolt to the muscle and a minor tear. I got work done on it today to help invigorate the healing. I also remember how quickly my body heals itself at remarkable speeds because of my 90% juice and all vegan diet. I find I heal about 66% faster than most so for instance an injury that might take 6 days for most to heal from I will heal in two days. This has been my experience. I find because of my diet I play by a different set of Rules. I expect to be racing by this Saturday. I will know more when I wake up in the morning tomorrow. I am very thankful for this injury as I have many more resources for dealing with injury now and some better ideas on prevention. I have spent the past two days taking a step back and really thinking about things differently. The bottom line is that I should have slowed down when entering and exiting the swim. There is always a chance of stepping in a hole or rock and it was a rookie mistake to do what I did. I was excited and believed I had a chance to win and was excited about going sub 5 that day and so I was not thinking straight and rushed in and out of the water and I really need to take my time and be careful when entering and exiting a swim. I will slow down in future races and go faster to make up time when the swim is underway. what is an extra 30 Seconds in a long distance course to be safe there are plenty of places to make up the time and the swim start and exit is not the best place. So I have learned a great deal and I am thankful for this experience. I was thinking I was invincible and a torn muscle or injury was not a possibility and now I know that I must be careful at times. I am pumped up and though I am not 100% I know that I will be better and stronger than ever in time for CABO and I now have new resources and knowledge. Tomorrow I will have my best SWIM ever at 11:30am and then I will ride my bike in the evening. I do not plan on running at this point and just need to take it day by day!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:20:23 +0000

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