DAY 9: SEED OF DOMINION DEVOTIONAL. BY APOSTLE PATRICK UTULU TOPIC:I AM PURCHASED AND REDEEMED (2).READ: GALATIANS 3:13-18 TEXT:Who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. (Titus 2:14 NIV). RHEMA PRAY ALOUD: My Redeemer, by Your mighty power, redeem me from the programme of men and plant me in Your own programme, in Jesus’ name. PRAY AGAIN: My Redeemer, I have dwelt enough in the will of men, arise and put me in Your own will for my life, in Jesus’ name. PRAY AGAIN: My Redeemer, by the precious blood of Jesus, cancel and reverse every evil handwriting and decree on my destiny and renew and rewrite Your real programme for my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name. Now, this is how I feel about the issue we are considering here. When you purchase a thing and delivery has not been made, it remains on the shelf of the owner as unsold item even when the value of such goods has been cancelled from the stock register. This may happen because you forgot or ignorance. Jesus went to the cross and paid the price for our total freedom from the hand of the enemy. The price could remain ineffective until we appropriate it by faith to our daily lives. This appropriation into our personal lives of the sacrifice made by Jesus to share His precious blood for the salvation of all who will believe is what I call REDEMPTION. Just as transaction is sealed when goods purchased are paid for and delivered to the buyer, Redemption takes place when we receive, believe, proclaim or confess Jesus as our LORD and personal Saviour. We are purchased on the Cross but redeemed at the point of conviction, conversion and confession of the event of the Cross. God’s main purpose for us in Christ is to redeem us from all manner of wickedness and to cancel all manner of evil handwriting and ordinances (Col 2:14) “Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.” Child of God, you are purchased and redeemed by grace through faith in Him to live for Him. You have been purchased by His blood into His kingdom to represent Him on earth. Peace. WISDOM WATCH =Read Col. 2:13-14 aloud. Appropriate the promise to your life. =In the new covenant, our past records, no matter how bad do not exist. A new chapter of our life is opened. Be focused. PRAYERS =Repeat the three prayer points in the rhema. Either kneel down or stand up to pray them into your life. =Psalm 1:3 is a song. Sing it or call Anne: 08030900914. =DECREE: Almighty God, by the power of the new covenant, I appropriate the sacrifice of the Cross through the blood of Jesus into my life and hereby proclaim my full redemption from evil and ancestral vow and networks, in Jesus’ name. =Jesus, I believe You died for me on the cross without sin so that I can be saved. I receive, believe on You and hereby confess You as my personal LORD and Saviour, in Jesus’ name. =DECREE: By my new identity, I will live and celebrate a new chapter in the covenant from now, in Jesus’ name.AMEN
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 18:28:01 +0000

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