DAY 98 18.9.13 Firstly, somewhere along the way, I lost the - TopicsExpress


DAY 98 18.9.13 Firstly, somewhere along the way, I lost the 16th day of the month. We went from the 15th to the 17th overnight ..... how? Well I have a Macbook Pro computer, but since day one, it has never opened up with the right date, and I’ve never been able to fix that (along with a lot of other Mac users if you read the forums). And being a Mac, if you believe all the hype and crap that Apple come up with, it MUST be right .... Right? Anyway, I lost a day. Today, I have that day back........ Today we planned to go tourist, with the cameras of course. It was overcast, and looked dodgy, and the forecast told us that this would be the case. But the sun did emerge, and it got warm, and it got steamy, and we arrived at Emerald Creek Falls. There is a large picnic area and a sign indicating that the falls walk was a 1.9km return journey...... and it was all uphill ...... the track is well formed, and steps have been put in by the rangers where necessary. When you reach the falls, there is a notice telling you not to leave the track, and there is a safety barrier to view from. Sadly, a young tourist chose to ignore these, and slipped to his death just a couple of weeks ago. Because of the recent dryish wet season, and it being September, there was not a lot of water flowing, but we captured what we could - on video that is, NOT in a bucket :-) The great thing about walking uphill is that it is downhill on the way back, and when we got back to the carpark, Annette, being a water baby, availed herself of the lovely little stream running beside the camp ground and had a soak in the pool. We then made our way back to road that ran cross country to the Kennedy Hwy, and down to Tolga, where we stopped for lunch, before diverting to Lake Tinaroo. This is a man made lake, and is a wonderful recreation area. As you work around the lake, there are a number of camping areas that are beautiful. A sign at the beginning of the road tells you that the road is not suitable for caravans. I am beginning to think that caravanners can’t read, because there was a goodly number parked lakeside at each camp ground..... and that intrigued me. You have to pre book, and secure your camp spot - and the camp spots are numbered, but there were a number of vans parked right on the lake edge .... curious. Some areas allow generators, others don’t, and no dogs allowed. We had been perusing our maps, and were looking at a road that according to the map, you needed a permit to travel on. A local assured us that this wasn’t the case, and that the drive was quite interesting. However, there was another road inside that one, which we figured we might follow. It turned out to be a forestry track, the sign said we could use it, and it was a two wheel track. We hoped we wouldn’t meet anything coming the other way, and we headed on. we started at about 400m, and found ourselves steadily climbing, huge drops on one side, cliffs on the other, then across ridge tops and the drops were on the other side, and the altimeter was climbing. Some of the climbs got steeper, and we peaked at 1242 metres, before beginning the descent ...... and we didn’t meet any oncoming vehicles thank goodness. It could have been quite hairy. And then, we were out of the state forest, and on the road back into town. We had no idea what the day would bring when we left this morning, but wow, what a ripper.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 11:44:36 +0000

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