DAY EIGHTEEN PSALMS 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in - TopicsExpress


DAY EIGHTEEN PSALMS 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Ok, as we come into day eighteen we are almost half way through our reading for Spiritual Freedom. What a journey it has been so far. So let’s look at today’s scripture and see how it speaks to us. What is it really saying. Chariots has so many different meanings to it. I mean there are places it is used to define mastery or ruler ship. It has also been used as a sign of spiritual authority. See in early war, chariots were used to get the upper hand on the enemy. They would carry two and up to three men. One could drive the chariot, one shielded the other two, while the third did the fighting. You can see how it became very effective for those that had chariots, to have the upper hand over their enemies. Solders began to trust in their horses and chariots, to fight their battles, and those being attacked would fear them because of the disadvantage of not having them. See all of a sudden men are putting their faith in the things they can see, and not trusting in the Holy Spirit. We live in a world, where our jobs, that we have worked so hard at achieving our status positions, and our savings accounts, have become our spiritual trust funds. Now please don’t misunderstand me on this, there are people that have worked diligently and sowed generously into the kingdom, to a very place that God has blessed them beyond measure. That is ok, these people have been blessed by trusting in the Lord, and being obedient to Gods’ Word with their finances. But if ever you get to a place where you put your finances at a higher level than your trust in God, then you are at that place we are talking about. When you begin to say this is mine and God will never ask me to give it up, I believe you have come to that place of trusting in your chariots and horses, rather than the name of the Lord. Sadly enough this is a place that is easy to fall into, within the body of Christ. It is so easy to forget that without the Spirit of God we have nothing, because all things have no life without God. I don’t care how much money you have or how anointed you are, if the Grace of God leaves you or your finances, or even your jobs, life becomes about striving, and you end up fighting a battle you are sure to loose. Let’s take a look at the very first scripture of the Bible, Genesis 1:1-2, it says this; “ In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” So even though God had created the heaven and the earth, He had not yet released His Spirit, giving life, so everything was formless and void. So are our lives without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. And even though the Word says God will never leave us nor forsake us, the empowerment can if we put our eyes and trust on the wrong things. Many times we read in the Word how Israel, when in alignment with God, defeated their enemies that outnumbered them in size tremendously. But yet when they would get arrogant and take their eyes off God, He would move that grace and defeat would take place, against the smallest of enemies. Ever happen in your life that a way. I know it has for me. There are times I feel the power of God in my life, that I can conquer the world, but other times when I am defocused or out of alignment from Gods Word, like with pride, I can be defeated with the smallest of things. We must always stay in that place of trusting in the name of the Lord. Believing in God for all things. Ready to lay down or give up anything God might ask of us. See God blesses us, then we begin to hang on to the very things He blesses us with trusting in the things we can see, rather having faith in the things unseen. Trusting in something is putting your faith in it, and we all know what the Word says faith is, but let’s read it once more just as a reminder. Hebrew 11:1; “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” The things God calls us to trust in and for, sometimes are things we cannot see happening, I know that is how it is with me, anyway. We must always remember, that it is the Spirit of God reigning in us that gives us freedom. And at any time we can snuff it out. I want to share something I wrote as God showed me something in the spirit about one of His churches. This church had become a mega church and begin to allow themselves to be led by men verses God. See God built it from a place of almost death. But as it arose from the ashes, they began to put their trust in the chariots and horses rather than God. They began to snuff out the Holy Spirit, and this is the picture God gave me of what was happening. Battle Field It’s a battle field, smoldering smoke and death. All that a war leaves behind, Just a few remain, the wounded ones, all alone. Wandering as if nowhere to go, stagnate, Feeling like being sucked down life’s deep black hole. Nothing good remains, No life in life it’s self { The spirit is gone} Nowhere to go for the lost and wounded, Those that have been deserted, and rejected, and left alone! We need the full empowerment of the Holy Spirit to put life back into lives. This very thing can happen in our own lives, no matter where we are or how much we have. Sadly enough I am sorry to say, that I have allowed this to happen many times in my own life. See when my eyes are on Jesus, and I allow Him to rule in my life, and I trust Him with all my heart, He gives me victory in life where it does not seem possible. But when I begin to trust in myself, or take my eyes off of Him, I begin to lose the battle, even when there isn’t a battle going on. See He is the glue that holds our life together, and our faith and trust in Him is the main ingredient of that glue. Eighteen days into this journey, and today’s scripture is the most important scripture to remember right now. Freedom has come, and it is up to you to hang on to it, because from this point on you have the ability to soar higher and higher with the Spirit of God. Remember it was through obedience to the Father that exalted Jesus’ name above all names, and every knee having to bow, that means because of Gods’ favor on Jesus, everyone of your enemies must bow to the name of Jesus. So where do you put your trust, in your riches and all the things you possess or the name of the Lord. Never compromise in this, always allow the name of the Lord and the Word of God to reign in your life, and you will always have victory, this is a promise from God. As we conclude lets pray this simple but powerful prayer together. Oh Heavenly Father, we ask that the Holy Spirit would be the blinders on our spiritual eyes, keeping our eyes from straying from You oh Lord, keeping Your Word deep in our hearts, never letting us stray from Your promises, releasing us into more freedom, allowing us to soar into the third heavens, downloading into us more insight and revelation, of heavenly things, allowing us to be Kingdom builders here on earth, releasing heaven to earth AMEN!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:58:19 +0000

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