^^^^^DAY EIGHTEEN of P.T.T.W.9^^^^ #YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA - TopicsExpress


^^^^^DAY EIGHTEEN of P.T.T.W.9^^^^ #YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA Pray4Yemen Yemen is heading closer to civil war. The Shi’ite Houthi tribe in the northwest is exerting increased influence and violence against its rivals. They feel marginalized by the Sunni government led by President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi. For the last two years, Yemen has faced hardships as it battles militant Islamists. Sunni extremists of al-Qaeda act in the south, and disenfranchised Shi’ites act in the north. Pray that the government will have wisdom to bring together a coalition government. Pray for President Hadi to appoint a well-respected Shi’ite prime minister. Pray that this will assure the Shi’ites that their interests are represented. Pray that the very small Yemeni Church would continue to mature, grow and be a light (The Bible, John 8:12). Source: Saudi Arabia warns of more Yemen violence (Aljazeera) #VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA #Pray4Vietnam The Vietnamese parliament unanimously passed a new constitution late 2013, calling it a “historic moment.” However, Christian Believers fear the amended constitution will encourage more religious persecution. According to Mervyn Thomas, Chief Executive of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, “The constitution has disappointed religious leaders, intellectuals, activists, and former officials hoping for political reform by preserving the dominance of the Communist Party. Officials opposed to the growth of religion can use the constitution to repress religious leaders and groups.” Pray for an end to communism in Vietnam. Pray for freedom of religion and freedom of expression in this repressed nation. Ask the Lord to shield the Vietnamese Church from oppression, harassment, and violence (The Bible, Psalm 28:7).
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:34:16 +0000

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