DAY FIVE: The Son of Man Buried Please carefully read Mark - TopicsExpress


DAY FIVE: The Son of Man Buried Please carefully read Mark 15:39-46 and answer the following questions. 1. What interesting thing did Mark add about the death of Jesus (vv. 40, 41), and how were these women involved in Jesus’ ministry (Luke 8:1–3)? 2. Some secret followers of Jesus now emerged from concealment. Who was one of these men (John 19 tells us the other one was Nicodemus), and what did they find courage to do (vv. 42–44)? NOTE: Warren Wiersbe clarifies something for us here: “We must not think that these two men suddenly decided to bury Jesus, because what they did demanded much preparation.... Joseph had to prepare the tomb in a garden near the place where Jesus died. This tomb was probably not for Joseph himself, since a wealthy man would not likely choose to be buried near a place of execution. The men also had to obtain a large quantity of spices (John 19:39), and this could not be done when the shops were closed for Passover. And all of this had to be done without the council’s knowledge.”[viii] Perhaps they, like the woman who anointed Jesus’ with her perfume for His burial, had believed Jesus’ words regarding His coming death, even though the disciples didn’t. 3. Pilate inquired of the centurion whether Jesus was already dead or not. The Romans would not release His body until they had verification that He was dead. How does John 19:31-37 confirm this fact? And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at His death, because He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth. Isaiah 53:9 4. Describe Jesus’ burial. What is there to remember about the women to keep in mind for Lesson 22 (vv. 46, 47)? Scripture Memory: Can you write out this week’s passage by memory here below? Give it a try, and keep reviewing the passage several times throughout the day. Colossians 2:14. Jpf
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:45:10 +0000

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