DAY FOURTEEN of P.T.T.W. 9 gives us the opportunity to #Pray for - TopicsExpress


DAY FOURTEEN of P.T.T.W. 9 gives us the opportunity to #Pray for the #People of Albania & Morocco ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE #Pray4Albania Albanian authorities arrested five members of a terrorist group allegedly responsible for 22 deaths in Albania and Greece. Police also confiscated munitions, C-4 plastic explosives, and detonating devices. Saimir Tahiri, Interior Minister, says, “This is the most spectacular attack against organized crime in the history of Albanian police. The C-4 explosions will be treated as terrorist attacks.” Former head of SHISH, Albania’s intelligence service, Fatos Klosi says, “The arrest of the terror group will bring a sense of relief. These were sheer criminal acts with a terror effect on the population. In some cases they intended to convey a message. That is why the arrest of this gang contributes to the country’s stability.” Praise God the Albanian police arrested five terrorists. Pray that terrorism does not take root and grow in Albania. Pray for Albanians to find peace and security in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 1:12). MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA Pray 4 Morocco Morocco has occupied Western Sahara since 1963. Moroccan forces recently arrested and questioned political activists after a rally where around 500 people gathered, calling for freedom from Morocco. Pray for the Moroccan government to have wisdom as it deals with increasing pressure from the UN and groups within Western Sahara. Pray that Morocco will find a way to remove itself and bring new freedom to the people of Western Sahara. Pray that this way forward will bring blessing to both countries (The Bible, Philippians 4:19).
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 21:40:01 +0000

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