DAY SEVENTEEN: Philippians 3:12 Not as though I had already - TopicsExpress


DAY SEVENTEEN: Philippians 3:12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already made perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Purposed Woman! What are you following after? Women of God, we are definitely in pursuit. The question we must ponder and eventually answer is what are we really pursuing? Paul was so intentional in first identifying that even after several missionary journeys, facing all kind of perils and challenges because of his calling to spread the gospel, and his years of experience, to let us know that he did not think he had already reached the mark, nor did he feel he was already fully matured or complete, but even the more he was in pursuit to fully become and attain the full purposes that Christ called him for. In a time where we as purposed women are in pursuit to apprehend and attain so many things; education, finances, marriage, motherhood, material things, status, fitness, beauty, and so much more... We must embrace the reality that while some of these things are important, they are nothing in comparison to our spiritual purpose as believers, who each are uniquely predestined, designed, and gifted by God for a special purpose that only we can fulfill. If pursuing this purpose is not primary, all other pursuits will leave us feeling truly empty and unfulfilled, as those who were called to fulfill and attain something so much greater. Paul had also declared that he counted all other achievements and failures as dung (waste) in comparison to knowing Christ the more and fellowshipping with Him. Purposed women we must also, like Paul, follow after (pursue) Christ that we too may apprehend that for which we were apprehended of Christ Jesus! Remember, the bible declares in Matthew 6:33, seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness and all other things, shall be added unto you. Lets Pray: Father God, I thank you for saving me. I thank you for the purposes to which you have created and called me. More than all of my pursuits help me to seek you and your purposes for my life. I repent for following after things more than you. I ask you to fill me with this hunger that Paul possessed and was driven by, remaining humble and never feeling as though I have arrived or attained. You said those that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled. I am filled in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:10:49 +0000

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