DAY ? of THE ADVENTURES OF ABIGAIL STORM After 10 weeks, 3 bags - TopicsExpress


DAY ? of THE ADVENTURES OF ABIGAIL STORM After 10 weeks, 3 bags of coffee, 2 sets of guitar strings, 5 neighbourly complaints about noise, 4 bottles of Wild Turkey, 566 pages, and over one hundred thousand words, the first draft of The Adventures of Abigail Storm is finished. Theres always a bit of tradition and ritual when finishing a book. Some people get out of town for a week, others dont leave their room for a week. For me, its whiskey and Van Morrison. I wait until Im typing the very last page, I pour myself a glass, put on the rare Van Morrison live in Japan, 1974 and hammer away at the typer. Now the choice of whiskey is a very important one. You dont just go and drink any run of the mill whiskey that you would drink any old day of the week, because what would be so special about that? You have to pull out the big guns for finishing a book, no Jamisons or Makers Mark. So for the past couple of months Ive had an unopened bottle of Writers Tears sitting on my desk taunting me, begging to be opened and enjoyed. I have resisted the urge to crack it open and now the day has finally come. With Van Morrison in the air, and those words THE END not far from my fingertips, I poured myself a glass. And it was the best damn glass of whiskey I had ever tasted. I even dragged out writing the last page so I could knock off a third of the bottle. So now what? Pop it in the mail and send it straight to the agent and publisher? Hell, no. This monster is full of typos and bad writing. Im going to let it sit on it for a couple of weeks while I go and finish off that bottle of Writers Tears and forget about the entire thing. Ive got a movie or two to write, some Playstation to play and guitars to annoy the neighbours with. Then, when Ive just about forgotten about the entire thing, Ill turn over page one and rewrite the entire thing.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:28:24 +0000

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