DAYS OF PROSPERITY.... DAY.. 5 Walking in the Fullness of The - TopicsExpress


DAYS OF PROSPERITY.... DAY.. 5 Walking in the Fullness of The Blessing Day #5 A. Romans 15:29—The Fullness of The Blessing 1. (GNB): I shall come with a full measure of The Blessing. 2. Fullness = Greek word pleroma 3. To be filled up, full, complete, to be fully furnished and liberally supplied a. Philippians 4:19 (AMP) “My God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” 4. To fill to the top so that nothing is wanting; to fill to the brim so that nothing is lacking a. Example of a ship fully manned with sailors, rowers and soldiers and fully loaded with supplies, freight and merchandise 5. Plethora—overabundance, excessive amount, superabundance B. Genesis 1:27-28—A Quick Review of The Blessing 1. The very first words heard by a human ear, setting the course and precedent for God’s perfect will for man 2. Man was empowered by The Blessing in order to: a. Be fruitful b. Multiply c. Replenish the earth d. Subdue the earth e. Have dominion over the earth 3. The Garden of Eden was a perfect demonstration of God’s plan for this planet. It was a prototype of what He wanted the planet to look like. Adam’s job was to exercise his God-given authority and expand that Garden until it encompassed the entire earth. That was what The Blessing was for. 4. It provided Adam with the power to carry on the work God began at Creation. It equipped him with the divine resources he needed to follow God’s example. He was to transform the uncultivated parts of this planet into a veritable Garden of Eden by speaking faith-filled words. The Blessing empowered Adam to be The Blessing wherever he went. The Garden of Eden was literally inside Adam. 5. Jesus came to restore The Blessing that was lost at the Fall. a. Jesus is The Blessing—the last Adam. b. Jesus—The Blessing—now is alive in us. c. We have been redeemed from the curse and now walk in The Blessing of Abraham. C. Galatians 3:13-14—Redeemed From the Curse to Walk in The Blessing 1. Redeem—to buy back, to buy out, to clear by payment 2. To free a person from captivity by paying a ransom 3. We have been freed from the curse of poverty. a. Lack b. Deficiency c. Not enough d. Shortage 4. We are redeemed from “paycheck-to-paycheck,” just barely getting along. 5. Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it. D. Deuteronomy 28:1-14—Walking in the Fullness of The Blessing 1. Verse 2: All these blessings shall come on you and overtake you. a. Brenton: All these blessings shall come upon you and shall find you b. HEB = will reach you 2. Verse 8 (MSG): “God will order a blessing on your barns and workplaces….” a. CEV: “The Lord your God is giving you the land, and He will make sure you are successful in everything you do….” 3. Verse 11 (MSG): “God will lavish you with good things….” a. AMP: “The Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity….” b. BBE: “The Lord will make you fertile in every good thing….” c. REV: “The Lord will make you abound in prosperity….” 4. Verse 12 (MSG): “God will throw open the doors of His sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won’t have to take out a loan.” a. AMP: “The Lord shall open to you His good treasury….” b. NLT: “The Lord will send rain at the proper time from His rich treasury in the heavens and will bless the work you do….” c. Treasury in the Hebrew = depository, armory d. BBE: He will open His storehouse in heaven. e. CEP: “The Lord will open the storehouses of the skies.” 5. I am walking in the fullness of The Blessing, fully furnished and liberally supplied. Filled to the top—nothing wanting. Filled to the brim—nothing lacking. My ship is full and overflowing. The Blessing has come to me. The Blessing has overtaken me. I am walking in the superabundant, exceeding excess, fullness of The Blessing.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 05:31:29 +0000

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