DAYSPRING TODAY LEADERS, COME UP HIGHER REV.4:1.I don’t know what your title or position is, but I believe everyone has leadership traits in him or her. I believe you are a leader. The leadership l am talking about here is not leading people, but leading yourself. Listen to me very carefully, if you cannot lead yourself, you cannot lead at all. Unfortunately, we have so many people occupying leadership positions today without a vivid understanding of their duties. They cannot even lead themselves in the first instance. Yet, they are leading others. Leadership is the ability to motivate others with your potential talents and special abilities, taking them from where they are to a far better place. One of the hallmarks of leadership is growth. We are talking of self-initiated growth, maturing inward and growing outward. Ladies and gentlemen, take it straight from me, it is very easy to lead other people, but much more difficult to lead yourself. Whereas, self-leadership is the first leadership! You will never be able to lead others, if you don t know how to lead yourself. Consistent self- development is the only way to advance in your leadership enterprise. So, get ready to work on your personality: communication style, appearance, knowledge accumulation, attitude and character formation, positive motive building, vision generation and relationship management. As you get better on these areas, you will not only become an effective self-leader, but also a person others can follow. This is not going to be easy as you may think and it will take you some efforts. Nevertheless, as you commit yourself to improve on yourself and pay the price required, you will gradually become a delight-some person who will be able to lead others and generate a worthwhile result. Till I meet you again, leader, come up higher. It is time to fulfill your glorious destiny!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:11:21 +0000

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