DAy 7 of Gratitude~ I am grateful that I was SO living in the - TopicsExpress


DAy 7 of Gratitude~ I am grateful that I was SO living in the moment yesterday, that I forgot to write;) Today I am grateful for those whove crossed my path, both friends, family and strangers alike, who live lives of kindness & consideration. Of generosity & thoughtfulness & honesty! I am grateful for the person in the grocery line with 53 items who sees me with 2 & says please go ahead & for those whove stopped when Ive had a flat tire asking, May I help?... For those moments when Ive scrambled realizing Ive forgotten my wallet... and a total stranger has said Dont worry. Its on me!. Im grateful for those who occasionally say Im sorry Annie & to those who accept my apologies without making me crawl to the moon. Im grateful to those whove come to visit my home for a few days who bring a simple bottle of wine, or who say please let me cook a meal for you?, or who gift me with even a sweet handmade or very inexpensive item who say this made me think of you... For friends who say I baked a huge loaf of bread. May I share? or those who bring me bagels & New York water when they return from my home hood! Im grateful for those whove taken the time to call or write when Ive been in a funk, just to make sure Im ok. Annie, youre always positive, but I saw that you wrote the universe sucks the big wazola... Whats up? & For those who listen as much as talk (& who dont play computer games on the other side of the line when Im telling them Im ready to slit my wrist!;) Im grateful for those who are honest with me no matter what. (Saying I feel like crap today, can I cancel?... instead of My cat ate my keys after giving birth to 14 siamese twins & my car died)... Im grateful to those who say Ill get back to you. & really do... & For those who, even though it will be an inconvenience, have said If you need anything, call me. And theyve really meant it! Im grateful to those who think to include others. Im grateful to the musicians who actually listen to my songs in a circle without texting their friends or daydreaming... & who say loved your song when they did... & to those who share their space with kindness & encouragement, inviting me to play when its appropriate. Im grateful to those higher up the chain than I am who treat me like Im a human too, & Im also grateful when I see musicians who treat everyone as if theyre someone even if theyre not their ticket to stardom! Ive had so many wonderfully talented artists open doors for me... & its meant the world... so I try to do the same whenever I can! As I write, Im thinking wow, is this as much a list of what pisses me off as it is what Im grateful for? Thats not my intention at all. Im truly not trying to offend. If what I love about so many around me highlights to some that they never do any of the above... then maybe a rethink of what it is to be kind is in order. OR maybe not. Maybe this is just my personal version of kind & good... & hell, I accept that its just my 1 cent opinion & just my road to kindness. Who the hell am I & WFT do I know??? Im just more often blown away by certain kind gestures than mean & oinky acts... (even if it is a free market economy!). So I try to live my life tipping the kind scale. And therefore, Im uber aware of how many in my world are huge examples of waggity kindness & generosity. Simply because it makes them happy making others happy. And its easy to tell who feels that way. Its the person who beams when they do something for someone else! & they dont give to get... but damn if it doesnt come back a thousandfold... most of the time! And Im not talking about being everyones doormat. Long ago I realized that tap dancing for inconsiderate/unkind folks does the universe a huge disservice & really earns your assumed/intended Howdy Doody self negative points ;) because in fact, youre guilty of teaching people its ok to be oinky/greedy/unkind... & that creates more oinkers. Yes, I can be short to those who are mean & greedy... (& if I know you real well, sometimes I vent to those close to me with my NY words are my canvas filthyass mouth ) But mostly I just steer wide & disallow as much of that as possible... I do often give it the good ol college try- saying something like you know that really made me feel bad or or I wish youd have given me a heads up about that, or were you going to ask me how I am? (Ive honestly said that lots in recent years) Some have said wow, I didnt realize. So sorry! & things have shifted. Or on the other hand, Ive been told Im an asshole for saying that & tata Oh well. But back to my celebration... I have been fortunate/blessed/giddy/whatever... to have had some amazing random acts of spontaneous unsolicited kindness laid on my doorstep & at my feet in my lifetime. As plain sometimes as a simple word or a simple deed or just doing the right thing. And those are the gifts I think of when Im in the midst of the rough times in between the shiny times in life... To me, it boils down to just the plain old act of being aware of others... & caring to be kind. Thank You!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 22:27:07 +0000

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