DBC Election 2014, A sincere appeal from A. K. M. Kamruzzaman, - TopicsExpress


DBC Election 2014, A sincere appeal from A. K. M. Kamruzzaman, F0497 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and Assalam-u-alaikum, (I, being one of your Fellow CMAs, whole-heartedly solicit pardon from you to spare 10 minutes of your valuable time to read my appeal below.) Respected Fellows and Associates of my beloved Institute, Vying for the election in the ICMAB has never been a simple mathe to me, as I understand, to dare to do so, someone needs to sacrifice sizable time, energy and resources of his/ her personal & social life and professional career, with the best thing is that, doing so makes that one a perfect professional who manages his/ her all areas of life in an organized way towards contributing positively not only to his personal life, but to many lives in his/ her community and the society whom he/ she loves to serve! But, as I believe, to prepare own self for attempting to assume such a divine responsibility, the person should consolidate personal life, professional career and then and thereby, start the journey to self-actualization. Hats off to all those who have been contesting in ICMAB for either NC or DBC sacrificing and consolidating their personal and professional life, to all of whom, in either panel, I express my gratitude as they have shown me the path!! Ladies and gentlemen, Let me introduce myself to you, being one of the most ENLIGHTENED communities in the society. I am A. K. M. KAMRUZZAMAN, FCMA, MBA, and was born in 1971, the year of independence which may be founded the sense of INDEPENDENCE deep down in my personality. I hail from the small town of my home district, Noakhali, where many STRUGGLERs born to dare to go far and even up the sky!!! In my academic arena, I completed Post-graduation in Accounting in 1997 from the Faculty of Business Studies of the University of Dhaka, rightly said to be the Oxford of the east, which recruits and nurtures the TALENTs to LEAD the society and the country!!!! Starting almost simultaneously both my Post-graduation and CMA in 1994, in 1999 I qualified as a CMA, founding the best pillar of PROFESSIONALISM in my life!!!!! Thereafter, in 2004, I completed MBA from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) of the University of Dhaka, to add DIVERSITY in my academic base!!!!!! I got married in 2001 with such a nice woman who sacrificed her professional career to fully devote to the family and we have 2 kids, a very nice interactive boy and a very overactive girl who are admitted under close guidance of my beloved wife into respectively PlayPen and Mastermind, 2 leading schools of the country and thus, I feel that my personal life is CONSOLIDATED so far (with the belief in Allah, the almighty and the supreme of all, who actually defines everything time to time) and that is how they support me by this time to stand by my beloved institute!!!!!!! I started my work career in end 1997 in a role of international marketing in an RMG Buying House and spending a sizable time, thereafter almost switched over on to 5 jobs to identify the right fit for me to match my heart with my profession until I joined LankaBangla Finance Limited, one of the leading Financial Institutions of the country. In my career industry, I am proud to introduce myself as the lone professional who has got the rare opportunity to work almost in all functional areas of a Financial Institution as I worked at various capacities starting from Head of Accounts through Head of Finance & Administration, Company Secretary, Head of Credit & Investment, Head of Credit Administration, Head of Business and finally as Head of Operations within a span of more than 12 years in my LankaBangla with my devotion, dedication, sincerity, and hard works. Through my LankaBangla, I got the opportunities to deal with almost all the economic sectors of the country through corporate, SME and retail financial services, which includes credit cards, personal loans, auto loans, home loans, all types of business loans for corporates and SMEs, various term and scheme deposits, margin loans and share trading through the subsidiary LankaBangla Investments Limited, a leading merchant bank and LankaBangla Securities Limited, the leading brokerage house of the country topping both DSE and CSE over the last consecutive 9 years in a row in turnover. Not only that, LankaBangla has given me the opportunity to be in an ENTREPRENEURSHIP role nominating me as a Director in the Board of LankaBangla Asset Management Company Limited, a company formed to launch and manage Mutual Funds, Provident, Annuity and other Savings Funds, etc. Thereby, I feel that I am blended and branded as an ORGANIZED professional!!!!!!!! Here, I would like to take the privilege to thank all the members of my beloved institute as many of whom lifted me growing with my LankaBangla through extending support in the form of providing business or mentoring to do overcome the hurdles and therefore, I am GRATEFUL to all of them!!!!!!!!! To have INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE AND OUTLOOK, I extensively travelled Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland to know the international social, cultural and business dynamics!!!!!!!!!!! Being PASSIONATE, earlier I engaged myself as Part-time Teacher and Examiner in ICMAB and Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) and I am a regular trainer in Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), Bangladesh Leasing and Finance Companies’ Association (BLFCA) and also in LankaBangla!!!!!!!!!! In 2008, I went through a massive coronary procedures, which, even being successful by the grace of Allah, shattered me and dropped down the battery of my confidence level to almost zero sustaining over almost a year; but, during that one year to fight back, I gradually focused on spiritual belief and personally studied heavily on motivation and leadership, which helped me to re-rise and re-build even stronger level of CONFIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!! What I lack, as frequently referred to by my critics, is that I am very SOFT-SPOKEN and EMOTIONAL, which at times give way to people who tries to limit my endeavor; but again, I personally got OUT-OF-THE-BOX advantages in many times from my such personal traits!!!!!!!!!!!!! With all my strengths and weaknesses (as mentioned in CAP-ITALIC-UNDERLINED letters in this appeal), I feel that I am prepared to serve my beloved professional institute through a wider role and to that end I solicit and seek your support for myself and my panel contesting in the upcoming DBC Election 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As to my Agenda for my prospective contribution through DBC, I would humbly like to say that I don’t want to play the role of Think Tank only, rather I am deep down focused to be the THINK-N-FIRE TANK with new ideas and actions (ha ha ha ……, don’t mind pls, having designed this appeal out of think tank role, is being launched to you out of think-n-fire tank role)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While appealing, if it seems to any of you that I have over-positioned myself here, I beg your pardon as I am still a LEARNER and to address any such seemingly over commitment and over positioning, I have just some few more words to say about myself: I am HEART-DRIVEN and always believe and try to DELIVER THE BEST in whatever I do or undertake, towards my VISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, I would like to reinforce here that I am now on the RUNWAY having already crossed the highway. Your blessings being the jet fuel will fire me to take off from the Runway to reach the destination in my Vision for the DBC as i believe: A mile of highway will take u a mile ... A mile of runway will take ANYWHERE ... ... ... Please, please, please, stay tuned with me and my panel, if I could sparkle some lights about me in your hearts and thoughts, and together let’s see what we can do for the betterment of the institute as IMPROVEMENT IS A CONTINUOUS PROCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wishing you all the very best and regards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allah Hafez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For more about me: 1. LinkedIn : ID: kzaman1971, link: (https://linkedin/nhome/?trk) 2. Facebook : ID: kzaman1971, link: (https://facebook/kzaman1971) 3. Twitter : ID: kzaman1971, link: (https://twitter/kzaman1971) 4. Google+ : ID: AKM Kamruzzaman, link: (https://plus.google/photos?hl=en) 5. Instagram : ID: kzaman1971, link: (https://instagram/kzaman1971) For DBC Election 2014 updates on me, please keep visiting: 1. Facebook page : link: https://m.facebook/profile.php?id=292688217604707 To contact with me: 1. Phones : (a) Cell : +880 173 0433 383 (b) Office : +880 2 9883701 (10 lines) (c) Home : +880 181 7030 441 2. E-mails : (a) Personal : akm71kzaman@gmail (b) Official : kzaman@lankabangla 3. Skype : @kzaman1971 4. Viber : +880 173 0433 383 5. WhatsApp : +880 173 0433 383 6. ChatON : +880 173 0433 383 (akm71kzaman@gmail) 7. Hangouts : +880 173 0433 383 (akm71kzaman@gmail) A.K.M. Kamruzzaman, FCMA, MBA (IBA) Executive Vice President & Head of Operations LankaBangla Finance Limited Safura Tower, Level-15 20 Kemal Ataturk Avenue Banani, Dhaka 1213 Phone: +880 2 9883701-10, Ext.: 234 Cell: +88 01730 433383 Fax: +880 2 8810998 Email: kzaman@lankabangla Web: lankabangla
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 07:52:27 +0000

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