DCLM Daily Manna TOPIC: No One is Left Out! Monday, July 07, - TopicsExpress


DCLM Daily Manna TOPIC: No One is Left Out! Monday, July 07, 2014 - TEXT: JOSHUA 19:1-9 Key verse: “Out of the portion of the children of Judah was the inheritance of the children of Simeon: for the part of the children of Judah was too much for them: therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of them” (Joshua 19:9). Equity and fairness are virtues that the world has little patience for. Many people believe in the survival of the fittest. They leave no room for the weak and helpless, but trample on the rights and aspirations of others in the pursuit of their selfish goals. They pay scant attention to the feelings of those hurt in the process, but congratulate themselves for succeeding where others have failed. Joshua and the children of Israel had conquered a large part of the Promised Land. But now advanced in age, he was reminded that some tribes had not taken possession of their territories. Joshua was then mandated to divide the land for all the tribes. It was in this regard, that he apportioned the territory outlined in our text to the tribe of Simeon. God had earlier given to the tribe of Judah a very large territory, well suited for its large population. Now, He took stock of everything and saw that Judah had got more than its fair share, while other tribes had got nothing at all. To ensure equity and fairness, God directed Joshua to carve out a portion of the territory earlier given to Judah, and hand same to the tribe of Simeon as their inheritance. It would have been contrary to God’s equitable standards to give more to one tribe and none at all to another. Quite remarkably, there was no record that the tribe of Judah resisted Joshua’s attempt to enforce equity and fairness in the nation of Israel. We too must never succumb to the temptation to be too self-protective, and therefore, act in selfishness. We must be fair in our dealings with all. We must seek and protect the interests of others. We must ensure that the good things the Lord has provided for His children or put under our care are evenly distributed to all as they have need. Those who have received more must be willing to share with those who have little or nothing. At all times, we must ensure that neither covetousness nor selfishness is allowed to influence our conducts and actions. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Let God’s goodness go round!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:34:08 +0000

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