DEACTIVATE YOUR PAST! One of the strongest holds on our progress - TopicsExpress


DEACTIVATE YOUR PAST! One of the strongest holds on our progress and success is our inability to let go of our past. Every decision we want to make or need to make is judged and subjected to analysis of what we call past experience and we use the memory of that past experience to predict future outcomes. The past isnt particularly a bad or negative reference point. In fact it is a fantastic way of learning, and understanding better ways to getting results. Without any reference to our past, it will be as though were just at the starting line. Great progress has been made in various fields including science and technology, by building on discoveries and inventions of the past. References to the works others have done in the past are the catalyst for rapid progression in any endeavour. Not to keep repeating the same feat, reinventing the wheel or remaining stagnant, wisdom is to keep building on what has been done before. So the past is not a bad thing at all,but this past we refer to today still has great powers to detain, restrain or even mitigate quick progress in life and career. Most often when we go through negative experiences and situations, the memory, the emotions and the shock stays so much with us to the end that a reattempt of that particular painful or disappointing adventure becomes so difficult. Daily as I interact with people I see so much of their past in the way they reason, their views and perceptions and their attitude to life. Many arguments, judgments and principles are borne out of past experiences. Statements like all men cheat, all women are materialistic, half bread is better than none, you cant have it all, all rich people are not clean, politics is a dirty game, nothing works without connection in Nigeria and so forth are all subjective opinions based on what the advocate has been exposed to. Your personal experience plays very strongly in your personal opinion and tone of thought. Also your upbringing determines your beliefs and attempts in life. Like I always say everyone arrived this earth with a blank mind, nothing, plain, virgin mind. The setting of your mind is however an outcome of what people, the environment and your experiences tell you. For example a boy from a very humble background may think acquiring a personal or private jet is outrageous, wasteful and unnecessary. He would never dream of it, plan for it or quest for it. But a boy born into a home where the father is a global business man with companies in 23 countries and on every continent does in fact see a private jet as a necessity not luxury. For him it is a must-have to sustain and build on the business empire of his father. A boy from a humble background would in his opinion suggest the money for the private jet should be used to help the poor, while the boy from a rich business background would think if I dont buy this private jet in order to manage my fathers global business empire well, I will soon join the poor. Many parents keep saying to their kids to remember the son of whom they are anytime such a child is embarking on a long departure from home. The implication of this kind of statement is; that child would not be daring, adventurous and ambitious. Although the parents may mean he should keep out of trouble and do the right things, but for parents whom have achieved very little, what the childs thinking may be is stay in your low place, dont aspire. Hence, for example when a boy from a very rich background is genuinely interested in a girl from this kind of low or humble background, that girl would never say yes to him much less date him because in her thinking this boy is too much for me, who are my parents, his parents will reject me, my parents are nobodies, ha i dont want wahala o, let me stay in my place jeje. And this girl unfortunately will miss out on an opportunity to probably marry someone more comfortable and successful. If her parents have been saying to her ‘rich people all have skeletons in their cupboards’ she will judge this great boy in that light and unfortunately miss out on an opportunity of emancipation from poverty through association. Negative orientations, thinking, logic, experiences and exposures can deny you great opportunities and possibilities if not deactivated. If in your past you struggled academically, you made very costly mistakes and choices, probably as a student had a baby out of wedlock or you were betrayed, disgraced, embarrassed and very terrible things were said to you by people you love, admire and respect, you may still be carrying the phobia to attempt greatness in life again. Maybe you were jilted, abused, raped, or youve gone through a divorce, or suffered the death of a very dear love one. Your initial inclination is to close that chapter and draw a negative – never try again conclusions. Retaining and keeping alive this negative thoughts and memories will eventually fill you with worse and more dangerous emotions. It will bring: perpetual fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, self aggrandisement, oppressive tendencies, mediocrity, self-relegation, poverty of the mind and pocket, un-forgiveness, bitterness, wickedness, derail in destiny, greed, needy mentality, crime and failure. May I say this morning that most negative behaviours like stealing, rape, embezzlement, prostitution and so forth is an outcome of a negative past? Do you know your choice of career, your place of work, your career dreams, vision and ambition may have been toned by your past? Ive heard some people say to my amazement things like I can never be a director – ha, director ke, who dash monkey banana, it is not my type theyre looking for there o. How sad. My dear friend, deactivate your past. Im not saying you can forget it, all Im saying is dont keep it alive and active to that point where your past will alter or destroy the possibilities of your great future. It is actually possible to remember a negative experience yet, refuse to allow it bother you when making decisions about the greatness of your future. If you think its tough or impossible, ask our mothers, if you witness their going through labour pains and the whole experience of having a baby. Youll almost be sure they wont sleep with their husbands again much less get pregnant. But give them a few months after the delivery; they are the ones calling honey, sweet heart, come naa. Even the men that witness the delivery are more afraid than these women that went through the experience. These women, though conscious of the fact that labour is painful, they have refused to let the negative experience stop them from having the number of children they want. Hence you see women after swearing and cursing their husbands in the labour room will go on to have 3, 4 5 6 or even 9 children , they are masters at deactivating their pasts. Dear friend, deactivate your past. Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:37:34 +0000

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