DEALING WITH ANGER (2) 3/2/14 Ephesians_4:26 Be ye angry,and sin - TopicsExpress


DEALING WITH ANGER (2) 3/2/14 Ephesians_4:26 Be ye angry,and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: When anger is left in the steering wheel of one’s emotions, the destination is destruction. Some have ship wrecked their life as a result of allowing anger to run and ruin their lives. When you don’t control anger, it controls you. When we examine the anatomy of the first murder in the bible, when Cain murdered Abel, anger played a strategic role. Cain was angry for no other reason against Abel other than the fact that God accepted Abel’s offering. Genesis 4:6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? His anger was directed at his brother and this produced death. The bible teaches some anger management techniques which are highly helpful when issues that make us angry come up. (1) Ephesians_4:26 Be ye angry,and sin not While “be ye angry” may sound like a command, a blank check to express ourselves as we please, the second part “and sin not”defines the scope of our anger. When we are angry, we react in two major ways:we express our anger or suppress it. Expressing one’s anger is where the challenge is. How do you express your anger, when internally there is a wildfire burning up within you? Anger is an emotion that demands an urgent reaction from us, with some type of issues anger loses its power with each passing moment, the emotion subsides. Some have suggested being still and waiting for ten seconds before speaking. But when you are angry ask yourself some questions. Will my reaction not produce sin? Will it glorify God? Read-the-Bible-thru Reading Schedule for the year today’s reading: Exodus 24-26
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:40:03 +0000

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