DEAR FACEBOOK FRIENDS AND ELDERS OF ALL AGES: My brother in law Harry Cornwell Jr. obtained power of attorney from my mother in law by paying Moms long time attorney David Shacter, and he is using legal means to imprison her against her will in a small micro home in West Hollywood. Last Sunday she had no water in her room, and the light was shining across her bed, we found her lodged against the wall against her calendar, unable to lift her head. My wife Gretchen, her daughter, helped get her a little bit comfortable. The video tape of Cleone Im posting here includes a call from Lucien, who is basically the manager of the building along with 4 or 5 others he runs. It is Lucien who my brother in law and sister in law have trusted for all moms medical or psychological needs since July. As far as I can tell, hes an assisted living hotel manager. Cleone has been held here six months, we found out. All along we had been calling her house, leaving messages, not getting answer, thinking they were holding her calls. She is very old, but she is smart. She was Chief of Nursing at Good Samaritan Hospital in LA, and knows medicine and staff. Mom has a mass in her lungs, she suffered a stroke -- she has begged to go home or to another nursing home with adequate care. As if some kind of TWILIGHT ZONE episode, my brother in law says her pleadings are only in her mind. Thats why weve had to film our mothers abuse. Ive done it for years, it is almost natural for me to film events, and none have touched me more or achieved more significance in my life, as I get older, than elder abuse. And of my mother in law. We just got word as I am posting this that Harry Cornwell has reported the car my wife was using to visit her mom as being stolen. Her mom gave Gretchen the car assuredly, but now with Teri back in town he sends a note she was obviously pressured into writing. Pressured! You should hear Teri scream at mom!! She is 91!! Other letters Mom gave us say I woke up screaming! Get me out of here! But this Harry Cornwell only cares about getting the car, when he lives 1,000 miles away... The horrors of it~. And we only use that car to help mom who is 20 minutes away. Having discovered that Cleone gave us notes about her loss of freedom, her captors are using that technique having re-imprisoned her. We know the letters are like notes from captivity. And good lord, how awful it is that she has to write them! SHORT HISTORY When my Sister in law and Brother in law are out of town, we get frightened and pleading calls from my mother in law and do what we can to help. We only found out where Mom was after she threatened to call the police on my brother in law if didnt tell us. That was last November, and Ive sent out almost daily emails along with video tapes to demonstrate the power of video to show wrongdoing and elder abuse to my relations, and moms lawyer -- but they have ignored me and my efforts. They listen to doctors they pay for, attorneys they pay for -- all out of my mothers money, which is considerable, with a multi-million dollar estate in Santa Monica just ten minutes away from where she is locked up in a micro dementia ward in West Hollywood. Family drama is how Life and death situations are described in the press or in books but maybe you wouldnt talk about what happened at CHARLIE in Paris as a family drama, but the whole family of humanity is hurt and bludgeoned and bleeds from the spirit when artists are killed, and the whole of France is a family bereaved and unconsoled; and if the Civil War was a break-up of a revolutionary family, Gettysburg was a family drama --or maybe one of those shootings at a high school or maybe some other kind of terrible tragedy for there are tragedies within families occurring every single day and today there is one occurring in my family right now and it involves my in-laws -- most especially my mother-in-law. I never thought I would care so much about my mother-in-law but it turns out I do. 91, able to speak with difficulty but not to move, so utterly dependent upon others, Mom is sequestered in a corner room in a sort of micro nursing home; maybe she lies there now helpless and alone as I last found her with her face pressed against the corner of the bed underneath the calendar. She recalls the dates, but that doesnt mean much because she cant keep any of the dates; she cant move in fact. IF ANYBODY KNOWS HOW TO HELP FREE CLEONE WITH HELP OF ANY KIND, let us know. Her lawyers telephone number in LA is 310.474.4115.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:24:44 +0000

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