DEAR FRIEND III: SEEK TO KNOW..... First Your unwillingness to - TopicsExpress


DEAR FRIEND III: SEEK TO KNOW..... First Your unwillingness to pursue the acquisition of vital, useful, relevant and required information prior to the arrival of decisions, whether major or everyday/casual, is an inevitable invitation to unavoidable failure, pain, losses and regrets. Know this, life has no favourites, it delivers to everyman based on his level of acquired and applied knowledge. Knowledge, I like saying, is what gives a person an edge over his/her contemporaries in the competitive circuits of life. Stop whining friend, we aint competing, you cant win on my track, stick to yours. Develop yourself in your area of calling, strength and focus, and watch yourself blossom into a better version of YOU. You gave my kind of results a try and failed, and retreated into the dark shadows of comparison and bitterness. Sorry buddy, there is no room for comparison. Know this, you are you and I am me. I will never desire to be you (I did dream to be like you and even envied you in the years gone by, but now I know better). Why trade my originality for a second-rated copy of you? Please think and reason with me. Take pleasure in your big nose, it is what makes you you. Celebrate your embarrassing height, the Scriptures says - lo(w), I am with you always. You see me as perfect, and spend your whole conscious life modelling yourself after me. Would you still envy my shine if I showed you the hollow of my polish can? You dont have a clue about my tears, yet you even despise me because of my smiles. Hmmm. You werent there when in desperate confusion, I confessed to God sins I never committed just to have the storms pass away. When you saw me sweating profusely, clutching my Bible like my life depended on it, on my way back home, you envied my walk with God and hoped to be like me. Good, no qualms, but what if I told you I had been trekking the past 3hours in that merciless sun? Would you keep step with me on my next appearance in the House of God if I then invited you? There is more to me that youd ever come to know in this life, just as my best perception will never unveil the whole you to me in this lifetime. Dear Friend, seek to know and make yourself knowable before you take the steam out of that divinely ordained relationship. Some doors, once closed, may never enjoy an opening again. Imagine Mary and Martha refusing to send for Jesus, assuming that as the Almighty, He should just know, feel, perceive, etc that Lazarus was no more. No, they kept their own side of the bargain, they INFORMED Jesus, and the rest is history. I never knew you were ill, you never told me (nor anyone). Infact it was top secret. But you expected me to just know - as a concerned close friend!! Dear Friend, learn to be reasonable in your expectations from people. If you never wanted telling, dont feel odd that nobody knows. The Government is mandated by law to keep the nation informed, however, they have a right to Classified Information not accessible to any - Freedom of Information Bill notwithstanding. You broke up with many last year, maybe an intended spouse, or even blood relations because of unwise expectations and an unwilling to update yourself with timely, useful and required relevant information. Suffer losses no more, and take this counsel - never pride yourself as knowing too much to learn. Be guided in your decision making, it is the stuff that Greatness is made up of. That is WHY you are THE leader, expand your horizon, see beyond your immediate turf, think generationally. Project into your future while living productively in the now, you will accomplish much more than you ever believed you could. The best is in you, give it expression. I wrote this because I love you and place valued premium on our relationship. God bless you Dear Friend. . . Get more from the group - Treasure Gemstones Yours, Gideon Ekukinam [ValuedTreasure] @gidakson/twitter
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 16:14:01 +0000

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