DEAR FRIENDS AND STUDENTS: Observations on recent catastrophe: - TopicsExpress


DEAR FRIENDS AND STUDENTS: Observations on recent catastrophe: Lessons which could be drawn: Catastrophe comes almost after one or two years but so ferocious. • Reflections on our character: Profiteering community? Are we ? Cost of 1 chapati 80/- cost of cold drink bottle Rs. 300/- Cost of Parle jee 4/-pack- Rs.1000/- cost of MaryBiscuit 2000/- Cost of one bottle of water Rs. 200/- do not know the veracity of TV report but in the beginning helicopter charged Rs. 1000/- per person. One day worst room private people charged Rs.1500/- per day. Snatching jewellary from dead bodies and also looting money in this crucial time. That too in DevBhumi? Are we really human demons? • We talk a lot about corporate Social responsibility. No large houses came forward so far not seen deploying their private Helicopters . No help for stranded people. Villagers who are managing lungers etc are far better than them? • There are lot of ashrams in Hardwar of Mahants living in cozy A/Cs rooms with their earnings equivalent to national Budget . Barring one, where were they in critical hours and even as of now? • We boast we are 3rd world power. No International help offered so far. • As a Govt. we do not take Met warnings seriously. Perhaps keeping in view heavy downpour if people were prevented from going there lots of human loss could have been avoided. • No system to record people movements ( as happens inmate Vaishnav devi yatra). So one does not know how many died. • Indiscriminate deforestation and no efforts to compensate made the eco system extremely fragile. Roads are made through blasting mountain rather than cutting them as Britishers were doing made mountains loose. • Most of us cursing Govt. Why people have been allowed to put buildings in vicinity of river? Imagine the hard earned money gone down the river like a pack of cards. • Why even in this disaster Kedar Nath Mandir survived and all structure razed? 1000 years no corrupt practices and Mandir was prepared very solidly and without bungling. • Thanks to media and our Army who did good job and saved valuable lives in these critical hours. What is use of putting coordinator if so many people have already perished? • If army within short period can do so good job why we hesitate in deploying them curbing naxalite orgy of violence?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 16:17:30 +0000

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