DEAR FRIENDS PLEASE JOIN ME IN THIS SIMPLE AWARENESS CAMPAIGN..... This incident took place in front of me...and really hurt me and I thought of doing my bit.....even if one YOUNG BOY OR GIRL....follows this path ...I will be grateful and thankful to GOD and I m confident at least some of you will change reading this.... The .other day I went shopping and preferred using bus service rather than driving or riding myself cos of the heavy rains and the pits on the road..... Well...after the shopping I boarded a city bus.....the bus not so crowded...and I found a place behind the drivers seat ....standing.... clinging to the rod I looked out and wondered how people could drive so comfortably on such roads......and thanked myself for taking a good decision of taking the bus.......the road ahead was full of PITS ..PITS AND PITS.......and RAIN was at its best......filling all these pits ....the scene was amusing......and to make it worse the continuous HONKING....ooooopPPPPPSSSS.....not a cm place to move and the HONKING continued from behind...I wondered .....HAD THE BUS GOT WINGS IT COULD FLY.......zooooooooooooooom...well...two stops after I boarded...... entered AN ELDERLY COUPLE......THE GENTLEMAN WAS AROUND 78..79...AND HIS WIFE AROUND 74.......75......the conductor helped them board the bus and he became busy whistling ...directing the driver.....really these DRIVERS need to be awarded.... I looked around whether any seat was empty but sadly ..NO......I again looked at all sitting........The elderly lady found a bit of space beside the door and the man went towards the center...not a tall person he struggled to hold the rod above him......managing his bag in between his old legs he stood holding the rod of two seats......each time the bus landed into a small pit the bus tilted towards its right and then left....and somehow he stood there....I felt so sorry for him now the bus not so crowded....just a few standing like me..... I looked around once again all those sitting .....sadly not one person got up and gave his or her seat....and sadly the elderly was standing just beside two young boys one maybe in his late teens and the other maybe around twenty two or so......I gestured to the elder boy...shrinking my face very politely..... to stand up and give his seat to the elderly....but ALAS I WAS SHOCKED HE GAVE ME A NASTY LOOK AND LOOKED AWAY....oooppspppsps....the elderly looked at me and smiled with his lips protruding.... he shook his head as though he meant..NO THEY WONT I was aghast!!!!!!! When I was young I remember so many times I have given my seat to elders because thats what my MOTHER taught me.. I still remember taking a bus trip was always a fun for me especially getting a window seat was like a dream come true...and in the midst of enjoyment my MOTHER would make me sit on her lap or make me stand...and my seat would either be given to one or two elderly ladies and I with tears in my eyes would stand there .......then my mother would explain many things to me ...later I would wait for elderly people to board the bus so that I could give my seat.....THOUGH TODAY MY MOM IS NOT WITH ME ...GOD EMBRACED HER WHEN I WAS VERY YOUNG ...THE LESSONS OF LIFE SHE TAUGHT ME ...... IS WITH ME...THANK YOU MUMMY...... Well....back to the topic....the elderly lady was still standing....she had an eye on her husband who was still standing.....each time the bus tilted she would struggle to hold the rod tight with her weak hands..and a pain would arise in my eyes became moist..... .now I could no more digest the situation...clinging to the rod I bend down and told the two young girls who were sitting on the first seat beside me who were in their late teens....COULD ONE OF YOU PLEASE STAND UP AND GIVE YOUR SEAT TO THAT ELDERLY LADY...PLEAAAASSSEEE.. They kept looking at each other as though saying..Why not you?? Why not you?? Finally the younger one got up.THANK GOD..and I stepped forward patted the elderly lady and with the help of the girl who stood up ...stretched our hands and helped the elderly lady sit.....and what touched me most is...while sitting the elderly lady asked me..Why.... dont you want to sit? I smiled and said....NO I was indeed very pleased at the work done.. BUT MY QUESTION IS WHY DONT THE YOUNGSTERS REALISE SUCH DUTIES ON THEIR OWN ...WHY DONT THEY REALISE THAT A DAY WILL COME WHEN THEY TOO WILL GROW OLD....OR ARE SUCH THINGS NOT TAUGHT TO THEM AT HOME...OR IF AT ALL TAUGHT ....THEY DONT BOTHER ........THIS IS JUST A SMALL INCIDENT..... FRIENDS......LET US ALL TAKE AN OATH TO RESPEST THE ELDERLY .....WHOM WE MEET IN OUR DAY TO DAY LIFE...OUR GREAT COUNTRY IS A TREASURE OF CULTURE AND TRADITIONS ...LET US UPHOLD IT......AT LEAST IN SMALL WAYS.....SUCH AS THIS....LETS NOT BE A PART OF THE EVILS AROUND US BUT WE CAN DO OUR SMALL BIT DOING GOOD THINGS IN LIFE................PLEASE...JOIN ME.IN THIS AWARENESS CAMPAIGN........LETS HELP OTHERS.....LETS HELP THE ELDERLY.....LETS BE GOOD TO OTHERS..... DEAR FRIENDS...... THANX FOR READING..........
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:32:16 +0000

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