DEAR INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS, YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN BRAZIL: The context: I come from a country that is the size of a continent. Yet, our plane fares are ridiculously expensive, there no (or very few) railways, our roads are mostly full of holes and dangerous to drive on. Most of our cities do not have a metro system and if they do it’s just a couple of lines. Our public buses are always full and the fare is expensive (especially if you take in consideration the minimum wage). The prices keep on being raised, and the quality of our public transportation gets worst every day. This is what happened: We, the people, got tired of being extorted by our (very) corrupt government and the companies that run our buses. We went to the streets to protest against the latest raise and, also, to demand our PUBLIC money to be used for the SOCIETY’S well being on a LONG TERM (not only to build stadiums for the next World Cup and Olympics!). Although all the protesters were acting in a peaceful way, the police reacted extremely violent in order to quiet down the movement. A note: This is my point of view and I don’t want to give you the wrong impression: Brazil is so much more than this video shows! We have so many wonderful things to show the world! That being said, I am really ashamed of the way the police and the government acted but I’m also really proud of all the Brazilians who finally stood up to fight for our rights. We will not be silenced. Please share this with your friends. youtube/watch?v=_SnKe6TND58 See also: latimes/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-brazil-police-hit-protesters-20130613,0,3664138.story
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:01:11 +0000

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