DEAR Ladies, Do you know your dress creates impression about - TopicsExpress


DEAR Ladies, Do you know your dress creates impression about you either positively or negatively in the heart of people? Your dress could show if you are responsible or irresponsible, serious minded or otherwise. Many of our dresses depicts us as women of easy virtues. Dressing in a manner that parents, society and religion frown at is not civilisation. The way you dress show whether you would be respected or not. Most ladies now walk on the street half naked, with tattered clothes all in the name of fashion. Also, some innocent guys have been arrested along with armed robbers just because of the way they dressed. Going to church yesterday, I saw some ladies wearing a very short and fitted skirt, looking like theyre going to minister (choir). Is that fashion too? Indecent dressing all over the place! It is more or less like nakedness to me, and some now wear it to the Church of God! Let us be careful, rapists are rampant now, help yourself. No wonder the same ladies complain of no suitors; tell me how a responsible man will want to take you home to mama with your indecent dressing, showing everything that should be for his eyes alone to others, causing men to lust after you and thereby committing sin (Matthew 5:27-28). This issue of no-back tops, low waist trousers (which I tag:auto-sagging), mono-straps and so on has even gone down to our little girls, mothers now wear such for them! Please tell me what a 3-5 years old girl wearing a no-back top now will wear when shes 12-15? She might go naked and God forbid, maybe total nakedness will be fashion then too. Mothers, please teach your female wards how to dress like a woman not like a whore, the Bible says Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Set good examples too, the home is her first learning place and remember if the foundation be destroyed (faulty), what will the righteous do?. If you wont create a good Godly generation, then dont be a part to destroy one or create a bad one! To my Christian sisters, dressing well and decent isnt worldliness! A virtuous woman looks good, she make good styles, dresses well. Some ladies wear things that makes them look twice as old as they are! We all have different kinds of breast, why not go to market and get the bra or blouse that best suites you than wearing some undersize or ones that will make you look like a woman who has stopped childbirth. Also use padded bra (not the heavy ones though) to pack them well. Use nice cologne (body spray or perfume), if you have mouth odour, its not the end of the world, buy mouth spray and use. Some so called big girls will even wear no-arm(armless) gowns or tops with a bushy armpit, shave your armpit! If you have to apply foundation before powder, please do, use good powder that blends with your complexion and do not let it be excessive, rub it to the whole face and not to some part. Stop using your hand to pick your nose especially in public, let tissue be in your handbag, wash your hair and make decent hairstyles. Use good body and hair creams, change undies frequently, it is not hygienic to use a set of pant for more than 3 months. The same is applicable to tooth brush, use pant liners during ovulation, add salt and dettol to water to wash undies and please sun dry them. Clean your nails, dress gorgeous, use brooch or pin to close up the button gaps of your shirt, stop wearing a yellow camisole or coloured bra underneath a white shirt! When you wear transparent cloth, wear a tube underneath, dont go to church to make those brothers eyes wander, they are human! A flared blouse will not go with a flayed skirt, learn to arrange your wears well. Married Christian women, endeavour to make yourself beautiful at all times, that man is going to be looking at you everyday for the rest of his life, help him to avoid side attractions, there are too many attractive ladies who wouldnt mind to have him in town. Let him enjoy the pleasure of your beauty. Above all, wear your smile always, keep fit by doing exercise, eat good food and fruits and remember, let us be moderate in all as admonished by Brother Timothy in 1Tim. 2:9 and the Lord will help us in Jesus name, amen. Dont forget that physical appearance also matters. Just like I do say; I love it when my man looks good therefore I must look great too. Learn to complement his good looks! Good Morning Oluwatoyin Adebowale KEY ©2014
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:31:04 +0000

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