DEAR YOUTH OF GUYANA...... ENGAGE AND REPAIR….. IT’S TIME TO GET TO WORK. Today, I am reaching out to all the young people in Guyanese, mostly between the age of 18 and 35 years old, to express concern over the state of our beloved Country. Within two years, Guyana would be celebrating 50 Years of Constitutional Independence. Our independent status means that we are no longer a British Colony, and that we have had the right to manage our own national affairs as of Mid-Night of May 26, 1966. All of you within that age group of 18 - 35 would not have been born at the time of independence, but I want to assure of the great hope, excitement and boundless aspirations that all Guyanese had for beautiful, peaceful and prosperous Country of One People, One Nation, One Destiny.. Our hearts were overwhelmed with pride and joy. Some progress has been made in a variety of departments over the many years and we must give thanks and gratitude to those who served, but is still work to do. Today we are concerned that our social and economic development have more often been negative or sluggish at best. Corruption and trafficking in narcotics and engagement in other criminal activities is rotting the nation at its core. And amongst you, the youth in particular, there is high unemployment. The quality and competence of governance and your civil rights are at their worst; from extra-judical killings, condom covered baton rape, to mutilation of the genital areas are all tools of the repression taking place. Our politics has become even more divisive and openly threatens to exploit Guyanas ethnic diversity by orchestrating the racist divide. There must be no place in Guyana for any group to practice and promote the vile culture of racism. Instead, we must exploit our strengths to the benefit of our own development and that of Guyana. There was at time when we lived in peace and harmony. We respected each other a lived like family. We must reclaim our dignity as a people. My request to you today is to become fully engaged in the democratic process, let your voices be heard and let your power be felt on the process of change for a better Guyana. ENGAGE AND REPAIR YOUR COUNTRY …… PASS THE WORD AROUND… “ENGAGE AND REPAIR” IT’S TIME TO GET TO WORK. Sincerely, Cosford Roberts
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:12:12 +0000

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