DEARLY BELOVED FELLOW INFIDELS, https://youtube/watch?v=aX9ENISNsJA MANY LEADERS OF THE FREE WEST AND FREE EAST FOOLISHLY ( or perhaps for the sake of real-politik as not to insult the other Islamic countries who are supposedly our allies lol ) announce ad nauseum that ISIS is not Islamic . Really, well the leader Mr. Baghdadi or as he now calls himself Emir Ibrahim has a Ph.D. in Islamic studies from the university of Baghdad. He knows more about islam than mr. Obama or mr. Cameron lol. (https://youtube/watch?v=XnkPmeF3fSY - brother rasheed an ex muslim corrects Mr. Obama about ISIL ) Many infidels are ignorant or clue-less about the fact that islam has been engaged in internecine warfare for millennia. The Sunnis and Shiites have been killing each other for centuries .Mr. Obama, Mr. Abbot and Mr. Cameron said, oh well the Islamic state is killing muslims , therefore they cannot be muslims. Well the Sunnis bomb Shiite mosques and murder Shiites ( and recently ahmadiyah muslims in broad daylight ) does that make the majority Sunnis any less Islamic ? ( https://youtube/watch?v=x8TJTG4yUSQ&bpctr=1418754872 , killing of ahmadiyah muslim by sunnis in Indonesia in broad daylight ) When is the public going to get educated that Islam is an equal opportunity killer ? Actually many people do not know this, but the prime directive of Islam is actually to turn humanity into a primitive slave like pre -industrial society of cave dwellers . Even when the whole world becomes Islamic, there will still be the more puritanical that will prey on the less puritanical muslims leading to bloodcurdling liquidations on a daily basis. Science, research and any semblance of civilization will cease and human civilization will collapse. Already in the Islamic State , the only thing permitted in the schools are Islamic subjects and the Koran . One fatal mistake that most infidels make about Islam ( or ISIL a spawn of islam ) is that somehow the islamically spawned terror state-like entities like ISIS, Taliban, alShabaab, Hezbul tahrir, alQaeda is somehow a geographical or topographical entity. The truth is THAT ISLAM S BORDER IS AMORPHOUS AND SHIFTING CONSTANTLY AND IS CORRELATED WITH THE POPULATION DENSITY OF MUSLIMS...the corollary is that the more muslims that immigrate into a non-muslim country , the higher the statistical chances for the manifestation of ISIS or Taliban-like or AlQaeda like activities. ISLAM IS NOT A RACE --- IT IS EVEN MORE DANGEROUS THAN A RACE WHICH HAS BIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES AND FEATURES TO IDENTIFY...ISLAM IS AN AMORPHOUS AND HIGHLY INFECTIOUS MEME/MENTAL VIRUS ...which epidemiology is influenced in part by the politics of the host country. Sooooooooooo in the west for example in Canada and Australia and the US where political correctness is very high and there is a protection clause for the practice of religion, the spread of the Islamic Meme is highly facilitated ( notwithstanding the fact that Islam is only 10% religion which it uses as a shield to protect its proliferation and the rest is political totalitarian theocratic fascism of the worst kind ). Please watch this short video, as there will be more lone wolf, and lone wolf pack attacks in the days to come as Islam/ISIS/AlQaeda plays out its prime directive -- the annihilation of human civilization.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:34:28 +0000

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