DEARLY BELOVED INFIDELS, ISLAMISTS UNDERSTAND ONLY THE LANGUAGE OF FORCE . APPEASEMENT WILL INVITE ONLY MORE ATTACKS AND EMBOLDEN THE JIHADIST TO DO OVERT AND COVERT JIHAD AGAINST THE HOST COUNTRY. 3 DAYS AGO WHEN THE LONE WOLF JIHADIST ATTACKED THE CAFE IN SYDNEY AND HELD HOSTAGE 30 PLUS PEOPLE AND ENDING WITH A TRAGEDY OF HOSTAGES BEING KILLED....THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA PUBLICALLY STATED THAT HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT THE MOTIVES OF THIS INDIVIDUAL COULD BE !...THE PUBLIC AND THE WORLD AT LARGE NEEDS TO LET THE ELECTED OFFICIALS KNOW THAT EVERYONE AND THEIR BROTHER ( AND THEIR DOGS ) KNOW THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE MOTIVE FOR THIS COWARDLY ATTACK AND THAT IS JIHAD AS INSPIRED BY MAINSTREAM ISLAMIC DOCTRINES. THE Muslim community in free societies feigning shock and claiming that this jihadis actions are unIslamic is no longer believable or acceptable and any politician who keep insisting that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism is misleading the public and guilty of treason . In covering up for the enemy he is in fact facilitating the infiltration and proliferation of this totalitarian theocratic form of fascism which guises itself as a religion. Appeasement and denying the truth about Islam does not work and invites defeat in time to come. Take a look at the lessons that we still have not learned from the experiences of Thailand which is currently suffering under Islamic Jihad ........https://youtube/watch?v=6nOg7_0UHQ8
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:54:30 +0000

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