DEATH: As much as wed like to avoid the subject of death, its - TopicsExpress


DEATH: As much as wed like to avoid the subject of death, its hard not to think about it. Death is usually on the front page of the newspaper. Often its the lead story on the evening news. Perhaps death is very real to you because someone you love has died recently. You have personally experienced deaths awful pain and sorrow. Hope seems to be nowhere in sight. Is death the final curtain? Or is it possible to cheat death? Is all this business about living forever a bunch of nonsense, or is there hope that you will see your loved ones again in a place called heaven? Conventinal wisdom would have you believe that theres nothing after death. But Jesus has a different view. THE FINAL VICTORY: The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote that the Messiah would be someone who was acquainted with grief. How true that prophecy was. From the time His boyhood friend, John, was beheaded by King Herod, to the time Jesus was put on the cross, Jesus knew grief and death. Yet He also knew that He would ultimately defeat death, not just for Himself, but for all who believe in Him. Read John 11:1-44. Jesus gave His followers a glimpse of what was coming when He raised his friend, Lazarus, from the dead. Jesus knew that physical death wasnt the final death. Spiritual death is the only one that counts for eternity, and thats the death Jesus conquered on the day of His resurrection. I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. HE WHO BELIEVERS IN ME WILL LIVE, EVEN THOUGH HE DIES. (JOHN 11:25)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 00:13:13 +0000

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