DEATH Knocked on the Door, and GRACE and MERCY Answered It! - TopicsExpress


DEATH Knocked on the Door, and GRACE and MERCY Answered It! by Michael H. Bigler On August 20, 1986, part-time-flexible mail carrier and mass murderer Patrick Henry Sherrill charges into the Edmond, Oklahoma, Post Office to murder 90 to 95 postal employees. He is being escorted by Satan and his unseen lynch mob of wicked and evil spirits, including FEAR and DEATH. After locking the doors behind him, Sherrill and his evil gang start their wicked rampage. Within fifteen to twenty minutes, twenty people are shot down. Sherrill and Satan think that they have won and that the battle is over. Satan craftily suggests that Sherrill put a bullet to his head. Patrick obliges him. Did Sherrill and Satan really win? You’re probably thinking…”Twenty-one people shot down! That’s horrible! That’s awful! That’s terrible! That’s outrageous!” Yes, that is awful, but what about the rest of the story. Out of the twenty-one that were shot down, six survived and they are alive today. All Six are Walking Miracles! I am one of them. I was shot in the back at point blank range! (I’ll share my whole personal testimony with you soon.) Did I say that twenty-one were shot down? NOT seventy-one?! NOT eighty-one?! NOT ninety-one or ninety-five?! Thank God for THOSE 70 to 74 Walking Miracles! Sherrill thought that the dead-bolt locks on the glass lobby doors would not be unlocked until 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. Those front lobby doors were unlocked at 7:00 a. m., two to four minutes before Sherrill and the devil started shooting. Many postal employees escaped the horrible destruction by jumping over the clerks’ front counters and fleeing through the front lobby doors. Again, Thank God! Yes, fifteen died. There could have been more fatalities. Phil Crabtree, City Route #6 Carrier, and Mike Harris, City Route # 1 Carrier, were brave, quick, and courageous and helped save two more lives. Phil and Mike carried out wounded and bleeding fellow mail carriers Steve Vick and Gene Bray. Steve and Gene are alive today thanks to Phil and Mike. We perceive that Phil and Mike wanted to go back into the Edmond, OK, Post Office again and again, plucking-out bleeding clerks and carriers, but the law enforcement officers probably forbid it due to the increasing danger. Do you think, if permission had been granted to Crabtree and Harris, that they could have rescued every wounded carrier and clerk and supervisor from the Post Office? I believe it was POSSIBLE. Phil and Mike seemed to have had a Supernatural Large Bubble or Shield of Protection around them! Wow, Praise God! Thanks Mike and Phil for saving Steve and Gene and wanting to save many more slain friends and associates. Thank God for you men! What about PRAYER? Were peoples’ lives saved because someone prayed for them? One of my former postal customers, Ms. Fusco , later told me that God had asked her to pray for the Edmond Post Office. “Pray for the Edmond Post Office?!” Nevertheless, she prayed for us. My younger sister, Mary Catherine, on a picnic in early July or August of 1986, was arrested by the Precious Holy Spirit. He said , “Pray for Mike (Bigler) NOW!!!” She immediately dropped to her knees and began praying for me and the post office employees. Several friends at church, Sunday prior to the Edmond Incident, remarked to the other, “Mike (Bigler) seems to have an extra burden or two on his shoulder, let us pray for him.” They prayed for me. Terry Moore prayed for me during and in the midst of Sherrill repeatedly firing his semi-automatic .45 caliber pistol at us. Again, Thank God for hearing and answering all of these prayers! Several postal employees’ lives were saved due to their own personal tardiness and the kindness of God. Mail Carrier Supervisor Bill Blands’ alarm clock failed to go off and Roger Nelson, City Route #20 Carrier, was running late that day. As they drove into the parking lot, both postal employees witnessed a very large army of law enforcement officers and emergency vehicles surrounding the post office. Neither of these two gentlemen were personally shot down. Thanks be to God. Patrick Henry Sherrill, an Oklahoma National Guard Sharp Shooter and Sharp Shooter Instructor, possibly had one .22 caliber pistol, and for sure, he had two semi-automatic (The bullets will fire out as fast as one can pull the trigger) .45 caliber pistols. Sherrill had sixteen clips of .45 caliber bullets (or eight bullets per clip), all were ‘Wad-Cutters’ (made to tear and destroy flesh)! He had a total of one-hundred and twenty-eight bullets, enough to mow down everyone inside the post office! Sherrill pulled his .45 caliber trigger an estimated fifty-one to fifty-three times, aiming at the victims’ heart or the central part of their torso! Only twenty-one shots hit their target. Thirty to Thirty-two were MISSES! Why were there not thirty to thirty-two more people shot down? Perhaps, Gods’ Ministering Spirits or Angels were actively involved in the preservation of these thirty to thirty-two people! Before a deadly shot was fired, an angel quickly and gently shoves the postal employee to one side or another! The bullet misses. Perhaps another angel causes a person to duck their shoulders and head. Another miss. Perhaps multiple angels helped lots of postal employees to climb, mount, and safely jump off the front lobby counters to safety! Many bullets MISSED their targets! Glory to God!!! Yes, DEATH knocked on the Edmond, Oklahoma, Post Office door on August 20, 1986; but GRACE and MERCY and GOD and HIS GREAT LOVE and HIS ANGELS and the Answered Prayers of Gods’ Mighty Praying Army of Godly Men and Women….Answered the Door! For Saving SEVENTY-FIVE to EIGHTY Peoples’ lives, We Thank You, LORD FATHER GOD, LORD JESUS CHRIST, and LORD HOLY SPIRIT, our GOD!!!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:20:02 +0000

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