DEATH SQUAD (SALVADOR OPTION) IN “SYRIA AND IRAQ” Dated: 20-06-2014 Every child who gets birth has a birthright to live and complete his life independently with freedom of expression. No one has right to constitute any sort of law that violates their birth rights. We human beings have twisted the nature to obey our desires. The best slogan of Politics has the Democracy. Democracy is explained as “a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting a country ruled by democracy, or government by the people.” Ref: (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Democracy or Hypocrisy: In the quest of “Democracy” many countries’ Laws of Land were crushed and invaded by intrusion. There are many countries where intrusion was made by US to establish so called the “Democracy” and Syria and Iraq are one of them. For getting their interests fulfilled, many options were adopted, which were ferocious and barbaric on humanitarian ground. “Death Squad” is one of them. A death squad is an armed squad that conducts extrajudicial killings, and forced disappearances of persons for the purposes of political repression, genocide, or revolutionary terror. These killings are often conducted in ways meant to ensure the secrecy of the killers identities, so as to avoid accountability. Extrajudicial killings and death squads are historically prevalent in Iraq, El Salvador, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, several nations or regions in Equatorial Africa, Jamaica, many parts of South America, Uzbekistan, parts of Thailand and in the Philippines. James Steele (US Colonel): Colonel James Steele is a US veteran of the dirty wars in Central America, during which he trained counter-insurgency commandos who carried out extreme abuses of human rights. Steele is also a veteran of the Vietnam War. From 1984 to 1986, during the Salvadoran Civil War, Steele operated as a counterinsurgency specialist and was a member of a group of United States Special Forces advisers to the Salvadoran Army. In 1986 he was implicated in the Iran contra affair. In 2004, early in the Iraq War, Steele was sent by Donald Rumsfeld to serve as a civilian adviser to Iraqi paramilitary Special Police Commandos known as the “Wolf Brigade”. The Wolf Brigade was established in October 2004 under the command of Shia genera known by the pseudonym Abu Waleed, who had previously been part of Saddam Husseins army. Trained by American troops and often working alongside them, it was intended to spearhead hunts for armed insurgents. Ref: ( Another was Steven Casteel, the most senior US advisor within the Interior Ministry and the man who successfully negotiated the withdrawal of the Oregon National Guardsmen. Some of his experience was gained in Colombia, where he was involved in the Centra Spike operations, a data-collection exercise in which lists of the associates of cocaine baron Pablo Escobar were murdered by the Los Pepes death squads. Los Pepes went on to form the nucleus for the present murderous AUC. The US, largely through the CIA, has a long history of involvement with genocidal intelligence operations, from Indonesia under Suharto, through Operation Phoenix in Vietnam, to present-day Colombia. The current mass arrests in Iraq and subsequent killings bear all the hallmarks of such an operation. By analogy, one can reasonably guess that the current flood of victims will include anyone opposing US hegemony, such as the hundreds of teachers and academics who have already been assassinated, as well as the human ‘waste’ generated through ‘heavy interrogation’. A further possibility is that ordinary Sunni Iraqis are deliberately being victimised as part of a strategy of fomenting sectarian strife designed to engineer the Balkanisation of Iraq. With that in mind, it is time to start asking hard questions about the role of the two British SAS men caught with a car load of explosives and accused by Iraqis of planning to attack a Shia religious festival. According to The Guardian, one former Interior Ministry detainee claimed prisoners prayed to be transferred to Abu Ghraib. This is no commendation of US treatment of prisoners, but only highlights the fact that many of the worst crimes are reserved, as they have been in Latin America, for US proxies. In El Salvador Noam Chomsky noted that it was not enough for US-backed paramilitaries to kill someone; instead they might be decapitated and their head placed on a spike. In Iraq similar distinctions exist. The victims of US-trained death squads are not just humiliated; their eyes are gouged out, their skin is peeled off and electric drills are driven through their knees. El Salvador Death squads The recruitment of death squads is part of a well-established US military-intelligence agenda. There is a long and gruesome US history of covert funding and support of terror brigades and targeted assassinations going back to the Vietnam War. Ref: ( As government forces continue to confront the self-proclaimed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), the historical roots of the West’s covert war on Syria –which has resulted in countless atrocities– must be fully revealed. From the outset in March 2011, the US and its allies have supported the formation of death squads and the incursion of terrorist brigades in a carefully planned undertaking. The recruitment and training of terror brigades in both Iraq and Syria was modeled on the “Salvador Option”, a “terrorist model” of mass killings by US sponsored death squads in Central America. It was first applied in El Salvador, in the heyday of resistance against the military dictatorship, resulting in an estimated 75,000 deaths. The formation of death squads in Syria builds upon the history and experience of US sponsored terror brigades in Iraq, under the Pentagon’s “counterinsurgency” program. Death Squad in El Salvador: “In El Salvador people were not just killed by death squads – they are decapitated and then their heads were placed on pikes and used to dot the landscape. Men were not just disemboweled by the Salvadoran Treasury Police; their severed genitalia are stuffed into their mouths. Salvadoran women were not just raped by the National Guard; their wombs were cut from their bodies and used to cover their faces. It is not enough to kill children; they were dragged over barbed wire until the flesh falls from their bones, while parents were forced to watch.” The Establishment of Death Squads in Iraq: US sponsored death squads were recruited in Iraq starting in 2004-2005 in an initiative launched under the helm of the US Ambassador John Negroponte, who was dispatched to Baghdad by the US State Department in June 2004. Negroponte was the “man for the job”. As US Ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985. Negroponte played a key role in supporting and supervising the Nicaraguan Contras based in Honduras as well as overseeing the activities of the Honduran military death squads. “Under the rule of General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, Honduras’s military government was both a close ally of the Reagan administration and was “disappearing” dozens of political opponents in classic death squad fashion.” In January 2005, the Pentagon confirmed that it was considering: “Forming hit squads of Kurdish and Shia fighters to target leaders of the Iraqi insurgency [Resistance] in a strategic shift borrowed from the American struggle against left-wing guerrillas in Central America 20 years ago”. Under the so-called “El Salvador option”, Iraqi and American forces were sent to kill or kidnaped insurgency leaders, even in Syria, where some were thought to shelter… Robert Stephen Ford –subsequently appointed US Ambassador to Syria– was part of Negroponte’s team in Baghdad in 2004-2005. In January 2004, he was dispatched as U.S. representative to the Shiite city of Najaf which was the stronghold of the Mahdi army, with which he made preliminary contacts. In January 2005, Robert S. Ford’s was appointed Minister Counselor for Political Affairs at the US Embassy under the helm of Ambassador John Negroponte. He was not only part of the inner team; he was Negroponte’s partner in setting up the Salvador Option. Some of the groundwork had been established in Najaf prior to Ford’s transfer to Baghdad. John Negroponte and Robert Stephen Ford were put in charge of recruiting the Iraqi death squads. While Negroponte coordinated the operation from his office at the US Embassy, Robert S. Ford, who was fluent in both Arabic and Turkish, was entrusted with the task of establishing strategic contacts with Shiite and Kurdish militia groups outside the “Green Zone”. Negroponte also brought into the team one of his former collaborators Colonel James Steele (ret) from his Honduras heyday: Under the “Salvador Option,” “Negroponte had assistance from his colleague from his days in Central America during the 1980′s, Ret. Col James Steele. Steele, whose title in Baghdad was Counselor for Iraqi Security Forces supervised the selection and training of members of the Badr Organization and Mehdi Army, the two largest Shi’ite militias in Iraq, in order to target the leadership and support networks of a primarily Sunni resistance. Planned or not, these death squads promptly spiraled out of control to become the leading cause of death in Iraq. Intentional or not, the scores of tortured, mutilated bodies which turn up on the streets of Baghdad each day were generated by the death squads whose impetus was John Negroponte. And it is this U.S.-backed sectarian violence which largely led to the hell-disaster that Iraq is today. (Dahr Jamail, Managing Escalation: Negroponte and Bush’s New Iraq Team. Antiwar, January 7, 2007) For more details on US Culprits who were involved in spreading sectarian violence in Iraq, please follow the link: ( On the other hand USA was creating The Free Syrian Army (FSA). Washington and its allies replicated in Syria the essential features of the “Iraq Salvador Option”, leading to the creation of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and its various terrorist factions including the Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusra brigades. While the creation of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) was announced in June 2011, the recruitment and training of foreign mercenaries was initiated at a much an earlier period. In the Game of “interest & Security”: (Conclusion) It’s quite difficult for people like us to understand the game of these vultures. Once a person asked Imam Ali (as): What is the distance between right and wrong? Imam Ali (as) replied, “Four fingers. Imam Ali (as) then placed his four fingers between the eye and ear and said, that which is seen by the eye is true and that which is heard by the ear is mostly wrong or false.” Emotions always make us irrational and blind to the reasons and what is shown, we assume it to be truth. It is the history of America and his allies that wherever they step in, that land’s turmoil is destined and it can never be stabled again. Therefore, before we start hating each other we should find out the truth first. In this manner, we can behead these vultures (US and all). These are the culprits who are instigating us to kill each other on the name of Islam and sectarianism.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:29:52 +0000

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