DEATH has no age & can come at any time! This has been proven once - TopicsExpress


DEATH has no age & can come at any time! This has been proven once again today! 'Every Soul Shall Taste Death!' Allah doesn’t care who you’re, where you’re from! Allah doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor! Allah doesn’t care if you’re strong or weak! Allah doesn’t care which family you’re from! Allah doesn’t care what city you’re from! Allah says ‘’Every Soul Shall Taste Death’’ and we shall all depart from this world! You’ll Die the way you lived! If you live a life of disobedience, a life of sins; listening to the devil’s music, flirting, roaming around with your boyfriend or girlfriend, smoking, drinking, fornicating, then you’ll die the same way and you’ll be resurrected the way you died!!! ‘O Son of Adam! You’re nothing but a number of days! Whenever each day passes, then a part of you has gone!’’ (Hassan Al-Basri Rahimahullah) You’ll regret and repent for your sins anyway, either in this world where tears of repentance are more precious than pearls or in the hereafter where its worth nothing!!! ‘’Wherever you are, DEATH will find you, even if you are in towers built up strong and high!’’ (Al Qu’aan Surah 4 Verse 78) Even if we go in space or in any corner of the universe, death will find us and the Angel of Death will grip us!!! ‘’Did you think that We had created you without any purpose, and that you would not be brought back to Us???’’ (Al-Qur’aan Surah 23 Verse 115) ‘’Do not sit Idle for indeed, DEATH is seeking you!!!’’ (Hassan Al-Basri Rahimahullah) Just imagine Death finds you while you are listening to the devil’s music, flirting, roaming around with your boyfriend or girlfriend, smoking, drinking, fornicating, committing ziina, while disrespecting your parents!!! Isn’t if time for us to turn to Allah??? To Allah We belong and to Him is our return!!!! When will you turn back to Allah and practice your Deen?? You say Tomorrow, Tomorrow..!! Tomorrow, I will start praying (Salah). .!! Tomorrow, I will start wearing a proper Hijab..!! Tomorrow, I will start reading the Quran.!! Tomorrow,I will calculate my zakaat and pay all that I have missed..!! Tomorrow, I will calculate all of my missed fasts ......and start fasting..!! Tomorrow, I will say I am sorry to those whom I have hurt and I will always speaks the truth..!! BUT: What If Tomorrow Never Comes?? What if you die Today?? What if tomorrow never comes? Huh? Turn to Allah, Before We Return to Him!!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:05:57 +0000

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