DEBATING A MUSLIM Muslim: Is jesus God? Christian: Yes - TopicsExpress


DEBATING A MUSLIM Muslim: Is jesus God? Christian: Yes Muslim: Did jesus die? Christian: Yes but defeated death and rose to heaven as it was prophesied to give mankind salvation that Islam does not offer. Muslim: Did God die? Christian: God did not die. Jesus in his humanity/human nature died but God is a Spirit and cannot die. MUSLIM: God is a helpless baby? CHRISTIAN: Baby Jesus was not a helpless baby, Quran teaches that Isa talked in his crib the day he was born. Quran also say Isa created a life, only thing God can do when he created a bird from clay. A baby Isa performed miracles that grown up Muhammad could not. MUSLIM: God comes out of a woman? CHRISTIAN: Nothing is impossible for our Christian God. Only Muslim god Allah is limited in his powers and cannot beget. MUSLIM: little helpless small baby is enough to refute the claim that Jesus is God? CHRISTIAN: JESUS IS GOD. For the last 1,400 years of Islams existence, no Muslim has refuted Christs divinity, they have only managed ti brainwash the gullible Muslims that the Bible is corrupted because the Bible came before Islam/Quran and the Bible itself proclaims Christs divinity. MUSLIM: YOU claim God came out crying and screaming and being helpless and weak.? CHRISTIAN: That has already been answered above. Muslim: If jesus is God why he need to kill himself just to forgive? Christian: Jesus did not kill himself, Roman soldiers killed him but rose from the dead on the third day as he had prophesied fulfilling Old Testament prophesies. On the other hand, Muhammad died as prophesied in Deuteronomy 18:20 and hes been dead just like Allah since the 7th century and theyre powerless to help any Muslim. Christians today perform miracles in the name of Jesus and in fact Muslims are flocking Christians services to receive miracles through Christ. Muslim: Then jesus was MAN-GOD? Christian: Jesus is God manifested in human nature. Allah has never manifested himself to anyone, including Muhammad. Jibreel is the only entity that manifested himself to Muhammad and there were no witnesses hence need for Muslims not to base their eternity on claims of one man. Muslim: How many God’s you have? Christian: God is one manifested in three natures just as mankind is a trinity of Body, mind and Soul/Spirit. Muslim: if you say 3 in 1 God is very irrational , do you know why? Christian: Youre brainwashed to think that. Does man who is body, mind and Spirit 3 in one? Is our oneness affected by our body, mind and Soul? Muslim: No. Youre right, Im just stubborn because that concept destroys Islam and paint Muhammad as a fool but I will just argue for arguments sake. See, if they are united they are 1 not 3 if separate they are 3 not 1, it is either 1 or 3 it can’t be both. Christian: Thanks for confirming Islam only depends on logical fallacies. A man is a son to his father, a father to his children and a husband to his wife. Does this three functions affect his oneness? Muslim: If jesus is your God then john the Baptist almighty God’s nephew right? because jesus and john are first cousin. Christian: John the Baptists was a witness to Christs divinity who came to prepare the way for our Lord. Jesus did not just wake up and proclaim his divinity or prophethood. Muhammad was made a prophet by heretic Christians Khadijah his wife and Waraqqa Ibn Naufal her cousin. Was Khajidah and Naufal prophets to be witnesses or annoint Muhammad to be a prophet? Muslim: biblically son of God means servant of God Christian: Youre right but those were mortal sons. Only Jesus is the immortal Son. Muslim: miracles are not sign of divinity. Christian: Jesus did more than just miracles to prove his divinity. He was sentenced to death because he claimed to be God. Muslim thinking adds nothing and removes nothing from Christ divinity, youre just poor souls that the devil seduced to reside with him in hell for eternity. Smart Muslims are becoming apostates and embracing Christianity to have hope for Salvation because Islam only leads to death and eternal damnation. It is not too late, you still have time to change your eternal destiny.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:28:10 +0000

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