DEBTOR PRISON IS IN FULL EFFECT ! 1) Debtors prisons are back - TopicsExpress


DEBTOR PRISON IS IN FULL EFFECT ! 1) Debtors prisons are back in effect in the United States. Most of the time, jail time can come from a contempt of court charge stemming from a person’s decision not to show up in court to deal with a debt. Try your best to work directly with creditors to at least be aware if they are suing you. These laws are incredibly unjust, but America’s political momentum doesn’t seem to suggest that this is going to change anytime soon. 2) More and more, it is becoming a crime to be poor in America. Fighting the legal system, getting an education or getting access to healthcare are out of touch expenses for most of the American people. Now that corporations have such undue influence on our political system, the problem will continue to get worse. The idea that the man in this story is earning just $2,000 per month and was expected to easily pay both his wife’s medical bills and other expenses is shocking. But the truth is that empathy has been diminished in a society that has gutted nearly all social programs that might have given him help. Prepare your family for the coming economic storm in America. It won’t be pretty.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:06:04 +0000

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