DEBUT OF THE VIDEO IN SUPPORT OF DUAL CITIZENSHIP FROM THE CHILDREN OF THE DIASPORA ENTITLED LIBERIA IS YOUR HOME BY EWAN E. PAYMAH This video is in support of dual-citizenship in Liberia. Courtesy of all the children in the diaspora including the USA, Europe, Sierra Leone, Ghana and all other countries in the world that hosted Liberians during the civil war and are still doing so. Courtesy of the ANC party to all Liberians. The children of the diaspora says watch this video in remembrance of the war and the dispersion of Liberians all over the world. One day, all Liberians shall be united again. To the children in the diaspora, remember, where ever you are, where ever you were born, Liberia is home, Liberia is your home. Liberia is your Father’s land, Liberia is your mother’s land, Liberia is your children’s Land, Liberia is your land. We also call on the Almighty God to heal the land from Ebola and give all Liberians good health. Have fun, enjoy and celebrate July 26, Independence Day, in the land of Liberty and Freedom for all. The children extend a special thank to the government of the United States and other nations for the humanitarian gestures extended to all Liberians during the brutal civil war. We thank the USA and other governments for hosting Liberians citizens as their own and providing them jobs, food and housing during the time of crisis. In particular, we thank the USA and other nations for honoring dual citizenship and extending to Liberians, citizenship, in particular those born in the USA during the brutal civil war. Special thank to the Liberian senators that are sponsoring the Dual-citizenship bill with particular reference to Senator Jewel Howard Taylor, Bong County; Senator Cleoutus Wotorson, Grand Kru County; Senator Joe Nagbe, Sinoe County; Senator Abel Masseley, Grand Cape Mount County; Senator Thomas Grupee, Nimba County; and Senator Frederick Doe Cherue, Grand Gee County. SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS AND THOSE REPRESENTED IN THE VIDEO. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION. THOSE THAT WERE NOT ABLE TO PARTICIPATE FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER, WE THANK YOU TOO. God bless Liberia, God bless the children in the diaspora, God bless the Great USA, God bless All Liberians.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:16:20 +0000

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