DECADE IV Indra 1. Heroes of one accord brought forth and formed - TopicsExpress


DECADE IV Indra 1. Heroes of one accord brought forth and formed for kingship Indra who wins the victory in all encounters, For power, in firmness, in the field, the great destroyer, fierce and exceeding strong,rstalwart and full of vigour. 2. I trust in thy first wrathful deed, O Indra, when thou slewest Vritra and didst work to profit man; When the two world-halves fled for refuge unto thee, and earth even trembled at thy strength, O Thunder-armed! 3. Come all with might together to the Lord of heaven, the only one who is indeed the guestof men. He is the first: to him who fain would come to us all pathways turn; he is in truth the only one. 4. Thine, Indra, praised of many, excellently rich, are we who trusting in thy help draw near to thee. For none but thou, song-lover, shall receive our lauds: as Earth loves all her creatures, welcome this our hymn! 5. High hymns have sounded forth the praise of Maghavan, supporter of mankind, of Indra meet for lauds; Him who hath waxen mighty, much-invoked with prayers, immortal one whose praise each day is sung aloud. 6. In perfect unison have all your longing hymns that find the light of heaven sounded forth Indras praise. As wives embrace their lord, the comely bridegroom, so they compass Maghavan about that he may help. 7. Make glad with songs that Ram whom many men invoke, worthy hymns of praise, Indra the sea of wealth; Whose boons spread like the heavens, the - lover of mankind: sing praise to him the Sage, most liberal for our good! 8. I glorify that Ram who finds the light of heaven, whose hundred strong and mighty ones go forth with him. With prayers may I turn hither Indra to mine aid;-the car which like a swift steed hasteth to the call! 9. Filled full of fatness, compassing all things that be, wide, spacious, dropping meath, beautiful in their form, The heaven and the earth by Varunas decree, unwasting, rich in germs, stand parted each from each. 10. As like the Morning, thou hast filled, O Indra, both the earth. and heaven, So as the mighty one, great King of all the mighty race of men, the Goddess mother brought thee forth, the blessed mother gave thee life. 11. Sing, with oblation, praise to him who maketh glad, who with. Rijisvan drove the dusky brood away! Let us, desiring help, call him for friendship, him the strong, the Marut-girt, whose right hand wields the bolt! DECADE V Indra I. When Somas flow thou makest pure, Indra, thy mind that merits laud For gain of strength that ever grows: for great is he. 2. Sing forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many laud: Invite the potent Indra with your songs of praise 3. We sing this strong and wild delight of thine which conquer; in the fray, Which, Caster of the Stone! gives room and shines like gold, 4. Whether thou drink the Soma by Vishnus or Trita Aptyas side, Or with the Maruts, Indra! quaff the following drops. 5. Come, priest, and of the savoury juice pour forth a yet more gladdening draught: So is the hero praised who ever prospers us. 6. Pour out the drops for Indra; let him drink the meath of Soma juice! He through his majesty sends forth his bounteous gifts. 7. Come, sing we praise to Indra, friends! the hero who deserves the laud, Him who with none to aid oercomes all tribes of men. 8. Sing ye a psalm to Indra, sing a great song to the lofty Sage, To him who maketh prayer, inspired who loveth laud! 9. He who alone bestoweth wealth on mortal man who offereth gifts Is Indra only, potent Lord whom none resist. 10. Companions, let us learn a prayer to Indra, to the Thunderer, To glorify your bold and most heroic friend! God is in all and He encompasses all. There is no God but The True God, and His existence is our assurance of life everlasting. He was before the beginning and will be after the end. He is mighty and all powerful. In His magnificence and majesty no man can conceive Him. His divine nature is beyond the understanding of man. His creation is awesome. His ways unfathomable. His creative thought brought all things forth and the power which flows from Him is life. He holds life within His mind and the universe within His body. The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord ! In every star Thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold Thy Word, We read Thy name in fairer lines. 2 The radiant sun, the changing light, - And nights and days Thy power confess; But the blest volume Thou hast writ Reveals Thy justice and Thy grace. 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey Thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand: So, when Thy truth began its race, It touched and glanced on every land. 4 Nor shall Thy spreading Gospel rest, Till through the world Thy truth has run; Till Christ has all the nations blest That see the light or feel the sun.” “The form of the formless, The body of the bodiless, The face of the invisible, The word of the unutterable, The mind of the inconceivable, The fountain which flowed from him, the root of those who are planted, and the god of those who exist, The light of those whom he illumines, The love of those whom he loved, The providence of those for whom he providentially cares, The wisdom of those whom he made wise, The power of those to whom he gives power, The assembly of those whom he assembles to him, The revelation of the things which are sought after, The eye of those who see, The breath of those who breathe, The life of those who live, The unity of those who are mixed with the Totalities” Infinite Love! Light and Love! Christ Light, Sunlight in Love! Light commune with our DNA! Our eyes are the main entrance of Light! Sunlight, Christ Light in Love! Morning, Noon and Evening! Infinite love Mama planet of Love! Infinite praises to the Most High YAH! INFINITE LOVE! THE LORD ASURA! THE BELOVED OF ATUM LORD ATON LORD INDRA THE SUN OF FIRE! THE TATHAGATA THE MOST AUGUSTUS! THE PRINCE OF ISRAEL! THE ISRAELITE! THE LORD OF GREAT GLORY! THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS! THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD! THE BELOVED LORD BENYAHAMIN THE BELOVED OF THE MOST YAH, THE AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 08:11:47 +0000

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