DECEMBER - Month of the Galactic Alignment, when the Sun crosses - TopicsExpress


DECEMBER - Month of the Galactic Alignment, when the Sun crosses the Winter Solstice point while aligned with the Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. Since the Indian Ocean Tsunami in December 2004 I have noted many disasters occur under such galactic alignments, when strengthened by the passage of the Sun, the Moon or other Heavenly Bodies. These disasters are not all negative but signs we are at the Omega-Alpha point in the Great Year cycle, the time long prophesied - the time of the Return of a Mysterious figure in his Second Coming. This figure has been called Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, and the Son of Man. They are one and the same, and they are associated with the returning or rising World Volcano that returns at the Great Year Midnight point. This is the central element in the Mysteries: a Great Year cycle associated with the fall ( half a Great Year ago and rise of the Earth and of her Son the volcanic Mountain of Fire who will rule with a rod of volcanic basaltic iron. ( It is of course the same story as that of the fall of Atlantis - and the loss of Eden, and the fall of the world pillar Meru on the death of Buddha... all one ancient story).The Indian Ocean Tsunami was a sign of that returning child - the branch of the old stump of Jesse - kicking in the Earth Mothers belly. all the earthquakes occurring now are birth pains, all the volcanic eruptions are signs of the New Earth that will be born when the Nine Return with Kukulkan, who will rise in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Sumatra. This December the FIRST DATES when earthquake or volcanic or other disasters could occur, when the Moon aligns with the Earth, Galactic Centre, Winter Solstice and Pluto is between the 4th and 6th of December. The NEXT DATES, shown in the chart given are between the 16th and 18th. ( Further significant dates will be added later) This time - 16th to 18th - is similar to the date of the Indian Ocean Earthquake, it creates what I call a Bow and Arrow aspect pointing toward the Great Year Midnight or Winter Solstice point, which in the I Ching is called Fu, the point of Return. This is when the fiery Yang energy returns and begins to rise in the Yin Earth Mare causing Thunder in the Earth, we have been hearing them recently, mysterious strange sounds, and the increased earthquakes and volcanic events. So between the 16th and 18th, when the Full Moon again aligns with the Earth, Sun, Pluto Solstice and Galactic Centre ( as also with Orion at the Galactic Anti Centre) we may witness further signs of this awakening and rising of the Kundalini Serpent in the Earths belly - the Plumed Serpent Kukulkan, or the Fiery Serpent of Isaiah... we may begin to feel it stirring in our own bellies as we struggle to keep awake and keep the faith at this dark time of the Great Year Midnight.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:42:19 +0000

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