DECEMBER 2014-Shared with Nona Freeman Fans/ Nona Freeman Book - TopicsExpress


DECEMBER 2014-Shared with Nona Freeman Fans/ Nona Freeman Book Sales & Kneemail- THEY ARE MORE THAN JUST A CASHIER How do you treat people who makes your sales? Would you want to be treated the way YOU treat a cashier? Think about it; they are not just an employee but someone who has a soul. They have a name tag, look at it and call them by their name. The manager warned me about the church people! There is no forgiveness or understanding.” She knew I was minister and I knew she had a church background. We were eating at a restaurant inside the store where she worked and was taking her break. A group of church women who knew me passed us, nodding at me and staring at her. With dyed hair, a full compliment of rings and tattoos wearing pants that blended with her work uniform. It was obvious that I was talking to someone who did not follow accepted church standards. Noticing the stares of the church ladies, my guest commented to me, “You would not believe how rude some church women are!” “Really?” I reacted. “A few years ago when I was hired on at a store at the mall, during my orientation even the manager warned me about the so called better than thou church ladies!” Though small in resident population, our town has many churches. This includes the independent ones within driving distance of the department store. The standards of the churches run the gamut-everything from forbidding the wearing of neckties and store bought clothes to the more widely accepted standards of religion!” Surprised, I responded, “Warned you about us church people?” Nodding, she answered, “This is what the manager said to me. I need to warn you about the church women. They are unfriendly and rude. In fact, they are the most demanding customers we have, but they do spend lots of money. They get angry at the least little thing and because we do not carry denim skirts year round, but remember they do spend lots of money and our jobs depend on it.” And reverend, she was absolutely right!” Embarrassed by what she had just shared with me, I blurted out, “But surely you have other customers who aren’t polite as they should be? Are you sure you are not just singling out our groups?” “Yes, but by their hair and dress, church women are announcing to the world that they are holier than everybody else. Here at the store, they walk in with their stringy hair and baggy denim skirts with the longest moping faces you have ever seen. We joke in the break room of how unhappy and grouchy these church women are. None of us would ever want to be like them. If there is an item incorrectly priced, they will always ask to see the manager or demand a discount for their troubles. There is no forgiveness or understanding.” “The church women, who I know have a church background, avoid talking to me by deliberately not getting in my line. It is almost like they resent the fact that I do not attend church regularly and they are angry at me for not being like them.” Humbled by what she was divulging to me, I immediately thought of the old adage, “You attract more flies with honey than vinegar.” As Christians we must realize that our lives are constantly being watched by others. True, they may be looking for one of our faults to surface more so than others so they can attempt to justify their own weaknesses, but we must still seed to example Christ at all times. We want the world to be desiring of what we have. Getting desperate, I protested, “You probably do not have any more problems with church people anymore than you do with those who do not attend a church or with anyone else. You probably just notice it more because of the Pentecostal ladies distinctive dress and hairstyles.” She nodded her head and replied thoughtfully, “I guess because they are Christians you notice it more. You just don’t expect that type of behavior from a Christian.” What could I say? Do we only save our smiles and polite behavior for our own at church? Though we preach, “With joy we draw water from the wells of salvation and the joy of the Lord is our strength,” can the world that reads our lives as living epistles see the joy bubbling from within us? Should we even bother to listen to a report from this unknown individual who takes our money at the store? Think about it the next time you are in a place of business. Look at the person, smile at them, notice their name tag and call them nicely by name. They are not just a cashier—but someone who has a soul. People who profess religion not only should have more; but SHOW IT. On behalf of Nona Freeman; BLESS YOU IN JESUS NAME!! Choose you this day whom ye will serve. As for me and my house we WILL serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 Nona Freeman Book Sales PO BX 2451 OLYMPIA WA 98507 nona.freeman@yahoo 228-497-3923 Kneemail kneemail@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 06:46:20 +0000

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