DECEPTION: JEWS ARE ISRAELITES AND BLACK PEOPLE ARE GENTILES This statement couldnt be more erroneous, the white European Ashkenazi Jews have no evidence that link them to the biblical children of Israel. The ancient Israelites were a black people. Scripture shows us on numerous occasions Hebrews in both Old & New Testament times were physically mistaken for black Egyptians. Moses passed as a Egyptian the grandson of Pharaoh for 40 years, the Apostle Paul (Shaul) was mistaken for an Egyptian. Yahoshua the Messiah was hidden in Egypt among the black Egyptians. The Most High calls Israel Children of the Ethiopians. Ancient Historians who saw the Hebrews face to face say they were black people, just as the ancient Egyptians and Ethiopians were. The Most High entered into a covenant with the children of Israel. He told them if they obey His laws and commandments they would be a mighty righteous nation (Deuteronomy 28:1-13) but if they choose to disobey He would bring down a great punishment or curses upon them. These curses can be found throughout the bible, but primarily in the books of Leviticus 26 & Deuteronomy 28. Those curses put upon Israel by the Most High is the entire history of the black people in the Americas. THE TRANS ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE-BROUGHT INTO SLAVERY IN SHIPS (Deut 28:68) HIGH PRISON POPULATION (Isaiah 42:22) A SICK AND DISEASE STRICKEN PEOPLE (Deut 28: 59-61) SUFFERING FROM MENTAL ILLNESS BECAUSE OF HOW WE ARE TREATED (Deut 28:28,34) CHILDREN BEING TAKEN AWAY AND GIVEN TO OTHER PEOPLE (Deut 28:32) EVERY RACIAL GROUP COME IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AND RUN SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES (Deut 28:43-44) NOT BEING ABLE TO STAND AGAINST OUR ENEMIES (Leviticus 26:37-38, Deut 28:25) OUR SONS STAND ON THE STREET CORNERS GOING BUCK WILD (Isaiah 51:20) HAVING MANY PLACES OF WORSHIP (Churches) ON EVERY STREET (Ezekiel 16:24-25) LYNCHING, BEING BURNED ALIVE BY OUR ENEMIES, (Deut 28:22) TEENAGE GANGS RUNNING THE NEIGHBORHOODS, & NONE EFFECTIVE LEADERS (Isaiah 3:12) Have you ever wondered why, we are the only people who were forbidden to practice our original culture upon our arrival to this land? Have you ever wondered why, they made it against the law for us to sing Negro spiritual songs that talked about the Old Testament? Have you ever wondered why, they changed our names. Have you ever wondered why, they didnt want us to read the bible? You are the direct descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, the prophets, Messiah and apostles. Those are our direct ancestors. Christianity will not teach you this truth, because Christianity is false, its filled with WHITE SUPREMACY. They teach you the so called black Christian about loving everybody, and being inclusive, when they show no such feeling. They have twisted the scriptures and history to fit their image and mindset.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:56:03 +0000

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