DECISION Levi Reading: Luke 5: 27-32 Levi got up and left - TopicsExpress


DECISION Levi Reading: Luke 5: 27-32 Levi got up and left everything and followed him. Wrong Jesus chose Levi to be His disciple? Maybe a lot of people think so. The reason is clear: he was a tax collector, the person who pays the Roman government that he be given the right to collect taxes from the Jews. This profession is seen as an act of helping occupiers and betray their own nation. This authority is often used to enrich themselves. However, no less surprising is the Levi response to the call of Jesus when he was in his office. Without a doubt, he left everything and money-office-to follow Jesus. For comparison, some other disciples were fisherman, who at any time could go back to the profession, as happened after the death of Jesus. Meanwhile, there is no possibility of Levi to return to his old profession. Later, he recorded his experiences followed him closely through the Gospel of Matthew as one attempt to explain who Jesus to the Jews. He was very much quote the Old Testament in order to demonstrate their fulfillment in Jesus, so that the Jews believed in the Messiah. Levi does not allow trapping positions and possessions. He left all his possessions. What is the attitude of your heart when God clearly called you to serve Him? Are there things that bind you, that makes you reluctant to go forward? Ask for Gods help so that you are sensitive to His call, at any time.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:56:14 +0000

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