DECLARATION OF RESTORATION by Thomas Mick We The People of the - TopicsExpress


DECLARATION OF RESTORATION by Thomas Mick We The People of the United States of America, seeking the assistance of our Creator, do declare that we have sinned against heaven and neglected our duty to remain vigilant in the defense of our liberties and the Rights he has bestowed upon us. We humbly beseech you for forgiveness for our neglect and ask for guidance and wisdom as we seek to restore what we’ve allowed to be usurped. Due to the efforts of officers of both the State and Federal governments in contravention of the obligations of their oath, it has become necessary for We The People to rise up and remove them from those offices and restore to us and our posterity the status that the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle us. Reaffirming the Principles of the Declaration of Independence, passed on July 2, 1776, signed on July 4, 1776… we are declaring to the world the reasons for our actions. We continue to hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and they’re endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. We hereby refuse our consent to actions and laws in contravention of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and will no longer comply with such usurpations. We recognize the Right of the People to alter or abolish Government when it becomes destructive of our Rights but in the case of this Republic we have chosen to restore the framework our founders established and then strengthen it by Amendment, so as to reduce the possibility of such usurpation and despotism in the future. For decades the Republic was plundered by the imposition of the Income Tax… the deadline of this tyrannical tax was April 15th. Therefore, as an act of defiance to the globalist bankers whose greed and lust for power has brought the American economy to its knees, it is our intent to begin the implementation of the plan to restore lawful government as of that day… turning it from a day of infamy to the second Independence Day! Since the Federal Government prevented the legitimate secession of the Confederate States of America from the Union by force, it has exercised dominance over those States as well as the other States of the Union in contravention of the Constitution that formed, defines the powers of, and limits it. At the conclusion of that conflict, the former States of the Confederacy were placed under Federal occupation and required to ratify amendments as a condition of regaining their seats in Congress; such coercion falls under the principle of duress and cannot be construed to be the act of freewill… making all such amendments void and not a part of the Constitution. To remove the usurpation, fraud, and deceit perpetrated against the limitations of the Constitution and restore our limited constitutional government, we hereby seek the restoration of our Constitution as of January 1, 1860, before the commencement of hostilities of the civil war; the Constitution at this time included the original 13th Amendment. This is not to be construed as the reinstitution of slavery and Congress is urged to propose Amendments to remove all language regarding that institution once the Republic and State representation in the Senate has been restored. It is hereby recognized as well that the opinions of the Supreme Court do not affect the laws or powers of any State but only the litigants in the particular case before the Court. Furthermore, only expressed powers are applicable in deciding cases before the Court, not “implied powers”, “public policy”, or the “public good;” the Constitution is to be enforced literally, as written; nor is the Supreme Court to acknowledge either International law nor laws of any other country or organization superior to the Constitution when deciding any case before it. Support for anything in contravention of the Constitution by any judge or Justice is cause for immediate dismissal from the bench; such support expressed from the bench shall be construed as a confession in open court. Proposal for either an amendment to the Federal Constitution or a Federal statute as the restored Congress determines appropriate. Anyone who has taken the oath of office is obligated to the duties described therein. Every officer that has violated the terms of their oath, as evidenced by their actions recorded in the public record, is subject to removal from office by any officer aware of the evidence of such usurpation regardless of rank or title. The term of office of anyone violating their oath shall expire as of the commission of the violation. All officers, before taking the oath of office shall be required to take a competency examination on the text of the Constitution(s), including all amendments attached thereto; they shall also be informed of their duty to immediately remove or cause to be removed anyone guilty of violating their oath regardless of rank or office. commonsensetome/declaration-of-restoration-april-15-2014/ Related posts: commonsensetome/2014/01/02/a-plan-of-action/
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:24:46 +0000

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