DECLARE WITH ME I am full of life. This is the scripture I want - TopicsExpress


DECLARE WITH ME I am full of life. This is the scripture I want you to use as you prepare to sleep tonight and for a weekend. Proverbs 10:11 (KJV) the mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked. There is so much importance placed on your confessions that God has no choice than remind you of it through his word especially now that you are in a relationship with him through Christ Jesus. Its a like a governor who is married, everybody lives to respect his wife cos she is married to him, there is nothing you can do about it, likewise also your relationship with God through Jesus shields you in the authority of God, gives you power and influence. God already is calling you a righteous man, righteous living is the platform through which your words or confession posseses power to work things in order. Your mouth is full of LIFE but God calls it the well of life, who else is this well of life? It is Jesus himself therefor this will mean that God has given your mouth the same power and weight of authority as the same of Jesus. Remember Jesus was telling that woman who came to draw water from the well that if she drinks of him she will never thirst again. That is the exact value your words conveys as you open up your mouth to say them in line with the scriptures. It is common among Christians that when you feel sick, the first question they ask you is have you taken medication?. Know from today that your mouth is like a well of life, you are full of life, what has life can give life to dead things, dead relationships, dead bank accounts, dead cells, sick bodies, can even bring the dead to life, that same mouth can avert satanic plans, can blind the enemy from seeing you. Your mouth is too powerful and dangerous. When you aqueeze an orange, out of pressure it spills out orange juice likewise when situation of life seems to squeeze you what should come of your mouth shouldnt be complain and anxiety but life, praise, worship, positive confessions, I shall not die, I am the head and not the tail etc you see as I end here let me remind you of what Jesus said in John 10:10, (paraphrasing) he confidently said that he knows the thief (satan) comes to steal, to kill and to destroy but his (Jesuss) mission is not just to give life but abundantly dispensing it. We call him bread of life, well of life, living well, living water, word of life and that same Jesus has become life-gate way to your confession. Thats why I am not a failure or a misfit or a cursed fellow, my rejection in a particular place only tells me that I need to keep moving until I come into that place where I will be celebrated. You are full of life. Keep saying, if there is a blind person with you pls read this sermon to the person, encourage him/her to begin to declare that his/her sight is restored, the lame can walk again, above all that cities will open up for the gospel. Halleluyah.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 18:50:54 +0000

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