DEDICATED TO ALL MY EX-SHEPHERDIANS... Oh my dear Ex-Sherpherdian... i really wonder if you will have the willingness to listen to your sir jack for your own sake and try to understand what i say and ask me if you dont and follow if you do understand... To be straight with you with all my love for you, all i can say is that WE ALL ARE BORN TO BE LIVING SAINTS AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM AMONG THE 6+ BILLION HUMANS. IT IS SO EASY AND POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OVERCOME ALL YOUR NEGATIVE WEAKNESSES/FLAWS WHICH ARE THE CAUSE OF NOT MAKING YOU THE LIVING SAINT TILL NOW... (why i say it is easy for you BECAUSE YOU ARE YOUNG ENOUGH and not a budda like me...) Until and unless we overcome our drawbacks, our whole life will be a process of ups and downs / smiles and tears... once we overcome our weaknesses, then life becomes so thrilling SO THRILLING despite the evils that are prevailing... there are only 3 kinds of people in the world now: 1-Winners, 2-Mediocrity 3-Losers. The truth is all are born to be Winners. The very thinking that it is hard to be a winner is the cause of not becoming a winner. Who is a winner? The winner is the one who has overcome all the negative habits and mastering the positive 8 habits(1Being Proactive, 2Knowing the Consequences of our Choices, 3Doing the First things First, 4Thinking WIN or WIN but never LOSE, 5Seeking to understand others first before seeking to be understood, 6Being Synergistic, 7Daily Introspection/Sharpening the saw, 8Finding our VOICE and helping others find theirs) by SELF CONSCIOUS EFFORT and being busy every moment of our life doing something creative with such enthusiasm... Most humans are in the category of Mediocrity (Mediocre are very good humans and professionals and billionaires but having certain negative traits/habits they are not willing to give up... so their happiness is conditional and the Catholic Church believes that the mediocre go to Purgatory -neither heaven nor hell but a place of suffering till we are fully purified by the prayers of the living... ) Losers are those who just wilfully disobey the conscience and make doing evil as their way of life... i wish i had taught you all these things deeper when you were on my lap... but gone is gone and i was not that good then to love you true enough. Now i am trying my best to give you the love that you deserve and so i say BE WHO YOU ARE... this means NO MATTER IN WHAT SITUATION, POSITION OR WORLD YOU ARE IN YOU CAN GET A DIARY, note down these words, PLAN OUT YOUR LIFE, PLAN OUT YOUR DAY, BE FAITHFUL TO IT, PRAY OVER IT, WRITE DOWN YOUR WEAKNESSES AND DECIDE TO OVERCOME THEM AT THE EARLIEST, KEEP INFORMING ABOUT YOUR PROGRESS TO ME, SPREAD THIS CONCEPT OF THE SELF TRANSFORMATION TO YOUR LOVED ONES... AND START EXPERIENCING THE EXCELLENCE OF THE CREATION WHICH GOD HAS PLANNED FOR ALL OF US.... I have more things to share depending on your interest... Love you all time and God bless.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:22:41 +0000

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